Page 62 of Icy Cold Death


Crime Scene

Friday Night

Nine P.M.

W ell, this was a huge problem, and something had to be done about it. Whenever bodies turned up in their town, there was usually blowback that was close behind. That usually hit the cops, specifically the ones working it.

It appeared trouble was coming their way.

As the two detectives stood on the bank of the ravine, staring down at the frozen water, the crime scene techs broke through the ice to free the woman that was there.

That was a job that they didn’t want for sure. A body in water for that long?

Yeah, no.

That was gross.

From the sounds and chatter going on by the body, the two detectives could tell that they were going to be busy for the rest of the night.


Who didn’t like spending their night standing guard over a soggy, rotting corpse?

An hour earlier, they had gotten a call, and when they got to the scene, there were four women by the ravine, waiting for them.

They weren’t on the skiing trail, but instead, deeper into the trees.

Yeah, that was suspicious as hell.

They were saying they ‘found’ the body, but in his world, that just wasn’t what happened. Detective Jon Wilkes knew better.

Something was definitely off with them. He just couldn’t put his finger on it.

Because he didn’t like shit like this when a civilian found a body, and the paperwork it created, he’d done what needed to be done.

Divide and conquer.

He opted to separate them into the back of various police cars, and was going to talk to them as soon as he got this scene under control.


That was easy.


At the station.

To make this whole thing worse, he recognized one of the women who had been standing there. Again, this was why he was suspicious. The one who ‘found’ the body was a PI who had been in the news lately.

Oh, he hated PIs.

To the depth of his soul.

A normal PI was bad enough, but The Littlemoons were a pain in law enforcement’s ass across this country, and here was one of them on his scene.

Immediately, he was pissy about it. Nothing good ever came of PIs getting involved in cases, but these particular ones…