“What do you think?”
They both looked at it.
“I say no,” Raven offered.
“Why?” Bex asked.
He pointed out the one thing that made sense.
“Our Hailey is not beaming. I imagine picking out the wedding dress should be euphoric. You look happy, but your energy…not there.”
She laughed.
“You’re right. There’s one dress I love, but it’s way out of the price range.”
Oh, well, they had a solution for that.
“Try it. Let’s just see for shits and giggles,” Bexley said. “I need to see that euphoric look so I can recognize it with another dress.”
Hailey told the saleswoman which dress, and she grabbed it and brought it to the back.
As soon as she was gone, Bex was honest with her fiancé.
“I want to buy her dress for her,” Bexley said. “Hailey deserves to be a queen on her big day.”
“As do you, my love. Every woman should be a queen that day. I’m good with buying her the dress. That’s a perfect gift for her. You have my blessing.”
Bex figured as much.
“But now, I have a question. What will you wear on your big day?”
She smiled.
“I have a dress in mind. We might get married quickly, but I’m going to blow your mind, Sir.”
He grinned.
“You always do.”
When the saleswoman came out, Bexley called her over. She pulled her credit card out of her pocket.
“Does she love that dress?”
The woman nodded.
“She’s in there crying over it and trying to decide if she should ask her fiancé about it.”
Yeah, no.
Bodhi was paying for the wedding, they’d gotten her the wedding planner, and the Monroes were paying for the honeymoon.
This was on her.
Bexley was moved to do it.
As far as she was concerned, it was done.
That was going to be her dress.