Page 301 of Icy Cold Death


It was powerful.

When the static began morphing, they both turned and looked down. The haze came into focus, and there were flowers growing around their feet.

“Avalon,” Lucian said, knowing this was how she dream walked with Nate. There were always flowers.

They heard her.

“Lucian, you called for me. I was napping with my son, and it pulled me here.”

“Are we safe?” he asked as he tried not to think about the man against his body. Ridge was so close, he could pick up his aftershave.

His body heat was taking his own temperature up.

“You are. You have a witch protecting you. He made a circle, and he’s here with you. Listen,” she said, holding up her hand.

Somewhere, they could hear Raven chanting. His voice was strong and calm.

“I don’t understand.”

She moved closer, and Lucian immediately moved to protect Ridge. It was instinctual.

“I won’t hurt him.”

He didn’t care.

That need rose up.


Ridge heard it, and he wrapped his arms around Lucian, so that his chin could be on his shoulder.

Snow began falling, and it changed into tiny cherry blossoms.

“I promise I won’t hurt him,” she said, moving even closer. When she placed her hand over Ridge’s, that was on his chest, millions of voices came into focus.

Lucian shook.

Oracle walked around his body, and when she was close to Ridge, she whispered in his ear.

Only he heard her.

Slowly, he nodded.

When she moved around to face Lucian, she stared into his eye.

“Here, you’re whole. You can remove your eyepatch. The answer is yes. If you go deeper into the static, you’ll get answers.”

Lucian wanted that.

He needed that.

On top of wanting to help their family, he needed something else.


God. I want you here. I’m fighting so hard to not do something so ridiculous, but it’s a battle. It’s worse than before, Lucian.