Page 226 of Icy Cold Death

“And if they don’t come out?” Genesis asked.

That was easy.

“Then we’re ignoring the crime scene tape, and going in.”

For Genesis, this was a lot, but she had to have faith in the woman. If she was going to put her faith in the Littlemoons, and take a job across the country, she wanted to see the woman in action.

She knew how to work a case. Now, it was time to see if Tori Littlemoon did.

Something got Tori’s attention.

“Tori,” Bethany called. “Come into the trees,” she said, standing at the edge of the woods where she and Trey were ‘investigating’.

“Do you have all three women?” Tori asked.

Genesis couldn’t see anything, and she certainly couldn’t hear Tori’s dead.

“Yes,” Bethany offered.

Tori glanced over.

“We need to go in. They won’t come out.”

She was curious.

“Why?” Genesis asked.

Tori explained.

“When you die, it’s difficult to understand what’s happening if you don’t immediately go into the light. A person can believe they are still alive, and that they are just lost. They don’t realize they were ended in a brutal way. Once they figure it out…”

Well, Genesis didn’t like how that sounded.

“What happens then?”

Tori shrugged.

“I cross them. I try to get them to go home so they can be at peace.”

“In heaven?” she asked.

“Yes, I guess that’s what you can call it.”

That made Genesis curious.

“And we all go to heaven?”

Tori only knew what her spirits told her, so she had to go with that.

“No, not everyone does. There’s a dark place, and no one wants to go there. Think of it as a place where evil goes. Is it what is depicted? I don’t know. I’ve never seen past where the spirit is pulled down into it. I do know there is a place though for the truly evil that die.”

She thought about that.

“I hope you get these women peace and they cross, but maybe they can tell us who killed them.”

That was the plan.

Unlatching their skis, they both picked them up and headed into the trees. They were heading for the crime scene, and it didn’t take long to see the police tape that was still up.