“God. He’s so perfect. He isn’t the least bit upset that Jake was part of my life. I don’t deserve him. I wake up thinking this has to be a dream.”
That’s where she was wrong.
“You do,” Bex said. “You absolutely deserve a man who is going to make you feel like a queen. Jake wasn’t the romantic type, but Bodhi is. You get to experience both sides now.”
Bishop pulled a tissue from her pocket and wiped Hailey’s eyes lovingly.
She understood how she felt.
Before falling in love with Lucian, she never thought anyone would understand her.
When you found the person meant to be your other half, you just knew.
Hailey had found her man.
That was the point.
She was with her soulmate.
The ladies wanted to get this fun little adventure started to keep the excitement going. They had a wedding to get ready for over the weekend.
Now, they’d have some fun.
Their only regret was that the rest of the family, who adored Hailey, had to stay back to work in Salem and Boston. She had more ‘sisters’ than this.
And always would.
They’d commemorate it with lots of pictures so everyone else wasn’t left out—including Bodhi.
Tori knew what would kick off the weekend.
“How about we go skiing, get some boozy hot chocolate for us and regular for you, and then come back here to plan out this amazing wedding?”
From where she stood, Hailey grinned.
“I’d like that. A lot.”
Well, then, they could make that happen. When in doubt, spend time with your best girlfriends. Oh, and marry a sexy ME who had a heart of gold.
Hailey couldn’t wait.
Marrying Bodhi…
It was going to be the best day of her life.
She could already tell.
Chapter Two
Not Far Away
Hiding Somewhere