“That’s some funny shit.”
They were aware.
Yeah, this woman didn’t even flinch with the dead and their antics.
That was the biggest test of them all.
Now, they knew the truth.
She’d fit in.
They’d bet on it.
Chapter Eleven
Same Hotel
Operation Calm Julian
T here were a few ways to rile up Julian Littlemoon, and most of them involved either a Christensen or his business. In this case, they all knew why Julian was freaking out on the phone.
Basically, Julian’s wife, Victoria.
Lucian knew it was coming simply because his wife had given him a heads-up text, warning him of what was heading his way.
Basically, she tagged him in to calm the savage Native down.
When his phone rang, he and Ridge had been preparing to get ready to go into the static to see what they could pull from it to help the people working the case.
Now, that wasn’t happening.
Instead, he had to talk their partner down.
Apparently, Tori was hiring a detective, and taking Trey into a strip club.
The man was ready to lose his mind, and honestly, with half of that situation, he got it.
Oh, not the part about the detective.
They collected cops like some people collected books. They were habitual with that practice, and if the woman was able to read a room, like Hart, the more the merrier.
Now, it was about talking the man down before he went with the worst-case scenario.
Julian was always worried about his wife or the business, and honestly, there was no reason to be concerned. Both were capable of holding up under the pressure of just about anything.
Or so they had proved.
As the speaker was on, and Ridge was amused the whole time, Lucian handled the situation the best he could.
“Jules, it’s okay. She’s not going to really take Trey into the strip club. She’s not crazy. She was busting your ass because you’re predictable.”
His blood pressure was up.
Trey in a strip club with his newfound ability to move and touch things?