Page 160 of Icy Cold Death

“Why do you ask?”

“Because I’m curious like a cat. I like to ask questions, and like I said, I used to work for the FBI.”

“Oh,” he said. “One of those.”

She didn’t let it bother her.

“Yeah, one of those. Which is it?” she asked.

Genesis knew where this was going.

“Doc, they want one of their Forensic MEs to take a look at the bodies. Can you find it in the kindness of your heart to let him have a peek?” she asked.

The man considered it.

“That depends on a few things.”

Oh, boy.

She knew where this was heading. The man had been dogging her for weeks to go out with him.

“What?” she asked.

He seemed to consider it.

“Will you be taking me up on that offer of a dinner date?” he asked. “You know how me seeing you brightens up my day.”



Tori went to open her mouth, calling foul, but Genesis beat her to the punch.

“Sure. I’m booked the next two weeks, so can we schedule for after that?”

He smiled, and it took everything Tori and Bishop had not to break down in laughter.

She was going to be long gone by then. In fact, they’d help a girl out and join her in a packing party to make sure she was on the jet heading to Salem with them.

He grinned in pleasure.

“Then, he can come in and see the bodies—not redo my autopsies, but look at the results I’ve found. I look forward to hearing his opinion, since I’m not a forensic ME.”

She plastered on a fake smile.

The man was NOT her type. She wasn’t quite sure how he slept at night rooting around in bodies.

Then again, her nightmares were just as bad.

While she respected the man’s job, she liked pillow talk that didn’t involve eyeballs and spleen juice.

That was not her thing.

To each their own.

“Thanks, Doc. I appreciate it.”

He held out his hand, and she handed him her business card from behind her badge. She’d be changing her number when she left town anyway, so why not?