Holden and Riley stayed silent for the first time she could remember. Their grip became tighter.
“Yes. We don’t know for sure how far along you are just yet. We’ll need to do an ultrasound for that, but you are definitely in your first trimester.”
“What? I’m sorry that can’t be. You see, I can’t have children.” Her heart sank. The false hope this gave the men would kill them when they discovered her tests somehow got mixed up with some other lucky couple.
“I assure you, Zahara, it’s very real. I would guess no more than two months along.”
“Doc, seriously? We used condoms. You know safety and all that…” She let her words trail off.
“Yes, Holden, Riley. I assume it’s the three of you in this unorthodox relationship.”
Riley pegged her with a so what kind of glare.
“I’m not judging,” she added, holding her hands up. “But I am saying you are all going to be parents come February or March.”
“The fall. The hit she took. Is she okay? Did it hurt the baby or her?”
She forgave Riley and Holden acting as though she wasn’t lying in the bed between them. Anything to get the answers they all wanted faster.
“Thankfully, Riley, you took most of the impact as I understand it.” The doctor looked at her for confirmation and Zahara nodded.
“Good. You guys were lucky this time. If I were you, I’d stay out of the way of fires or anything else that puts you in harm's way.”
“Yes, ma’am.” Given the same circumstances, she would do it again, though. There was no her without both of her men.
“So yes.” Rachel looked at her. “Your baby is fine. I wanted to keep you overnight but the last few hours have shown that you’ll be fine. You can go home now, but if you plan on staying in Savage Ridge, I’d like to see you back here next week for prenatal care and a full checkup. If anything comes up or you have any questions, I’m always on call.” Her friend gave her a warm smile.
Holden took the card the doctor offered.
Zahara melted into the bed as her attention zoned out. Riley’s father would hunt her down and make sure the world never knew Zahara Kennedy ever existed. Then he’d put his son in the morgue—his words—and not bother with having to transport their bodies back here.
Despite everything Zahara’s heart did a two-step. Pregnant. She was going to be a mother?
When they were finally alone, she looked between both Holden and Riley. “Guys, I wanna get married.”
An hour and a pile of papers the size of a small cat later, Holden slipped the key in and stepped aside as Riley carried her up the back stairs.
“You know I could have walked, right?”
“Where’s the fun in that,” he scoffed. “Besides, I have to get practice in for when we put a ring on that beautiful hand of yours.”
She laughed. “So who’s name did I get to carry?” She knew for a fact she couldn’t marry them both.
Holden kissed her forehead as he held the door open for them. Her smile widened and her heart swelled with so much love. Love for both of them and she still couldn’t wrap her mind around the fact she had a tiny, innocent baby inside her. She splayed her hand over her stomach.
Riley pressed his lips close to her ear. “You’re going to look gorgeous when you’re plump with our baby.”
She smiled. “I guess this is going to be home for a little while yet.”
“If that’s okay with you? We can look for a bigger place once you can move around without any leftover pain.”
Staying here couldn’t be more perfect and that scared her the most. How fast she could lose the happiness that she felt in every cell in her body at this very moment.
She couldn’t imagine anything better than a family with Holden and Riley, but it all seemed like a dream she was doomed to wake from any second. For so long the guys had treated her gently and kind, but until this morning and their kidnapping ruse she had no idea they wanted something more than a heated affair with the school teacher. Temporary school teacher at that.
“What’s on your mind?” Riley asked as he bent and kissed the tip of her nose.