Wow. What was it about these two men that left her breathless? She smiled at them both. “I remember.”
“Then we’d planned on tying you up to our bed and covering every part of your body in our milk.”
“Tits, ass, and pussy. You would have been dripping with our cum.”
Her mouth fell open a little. Wow. Her body thrummed with an instant rush of need.
“Mr. Savage. Mr. Ashwood. Be glad that part of your ‘plan’ failed or your day would have turned out completely different.” They all turned to the door and the newcomer to the room and Zahara wanted to melt into the floor. Red. Her face, neck and every other part of her body had to be red with embarrassment.
“If you don’t mind, can I have a moment to talk with Ms. Kennedy?”
Both growled low in their throat and the doctor stiffened, but Zahara didn’t think it was out of fear. “We stay.”
The doctor cocked a hip and looked like a force to be reckoned with. “If you think you can intimidate me you have it all wrong. You tough mountain men are all the same. Broody beasts on the outside and big teddy bears on the inside the second you fall in love.”
Zahara hid a smile. The local doctor wagged a finger at Riley and Holden, a clipboard in one hand and a permanent smug grin on her face that she wielded against Zahara’s guys like a weapon. Dr. Rachel was a regular at Savage Fire. Their favorite topic was the doctor’s over-energetic son and Zahara’s favorite student.
Every Rachel she’d ever met had steel balls and an attitude to go with it. She knew her friend not to be any different with her cocked hip and unwavering stare.
“Zahara,” she said with a frown, “believe me, this is something you and I should discuss first.”
“It’s okay, Doc.” She didn’t want to go from hospital bed to jailhouse to bail them out and that was exactly where this was headed if the subject was pushed. If she had to wonder if they loved her, the answer stood in front of her as clear as the white walls and beeping heart monitor. “Really. It’s okay. What you have to say you can say in front of them.”
“Sorry, if you are unmarried and unrelated it's hospital policy to have the room cleared.”
Now she began to worry.
“We’ll step out,” Holden offered, thank goodness, “but we’ll be right outside the door if you need us.”
They both leaned forward and placed a kiss on her forehead.
“I’m sorry they are a little overprotective,” she offered as the door closed behind them.
“Sweetheart, as they should be. You guys did a shitty job of keeping your romance hidden by the way.” Her friend slid onto the edge of her bed and patted her foot. About the only place that didn’t hurt. “I know for a fact you haven’t had a check-up in the last year since you haven’t been in to see me. I don’t suppose you can tell me when was the last time you did have a checkup?”
Zahara’s eyes glazed over and her mind threatened to go back there. The pale green hospital room where she learned she would never be a real wife to anyone. Never know the feeling of holding her newborn. She was lucky to even walk again, they said, but all she felt for weeks afterward was void—hollow. Like a black hole swallowed her whole. She worked her throat past the dryness that clamped like a vise, fingers already working the ends of her hair.
“A year ago next month.” Oh god, what did they find? Her heart rattled in her chest and heat bloomed across her body. The beeping from the heart machine ricocheted off the walls and grew louder and faster every second.
The door bounced off the back wall and her eyes sprang open to see Holden and Riley’s golden eyes flared with anger.
“What the fuck is going on, Doc?”
“Mr. Savage, Mr. Ashwood,” the doctor warned.
Her breathing came fast. What if she had something incurable? What if she died and left Holden and Riley. They would be devastated. What if?—
“Zahara, breathe. You’re okay. That’s it, in and out.”
Rachel signaled Holden and Riley over. “You can stay as long as you calm her down.”
Zahara tried but nothing she did worked to slow her racing heartbeat.
Both men took her hands and slowly the stars began to fade one tiny dot at a time. “Why do you guys have to have so much lead up?” she managed as her breathing took on a more normal pattern.
“I was trying to tell you, but you went into panic mode.” The doctor patted her foot from the end of the bed. “You can’t expect me to tell you congratulations when you look like you are going to pass out.”
She stared, mouth wide open. “You’re not saying what I think you’re saying, are you?”