I’d feel sorry for her if she was after Lucas. He’s just an asshole who couldn’t care less about people who he feels aren’t on his level. What’s this intelligent and beautiful woman doing with Lucas Maier? Maybe it’s the same thing Anita wants when she chases after me—a little fun. The thrill and freedom of doing whatever she wants, with whoever she wants. I can handle those two, but Lexi apparently doesn’t know what she’s getting into.
“I’m sorry, Alexis. We must ensure the safety of those who are here tonight. The invitation-only rule applies no matter what. Peter won’t mind this. He knows us and knows what we do. My people have already sent him your photo when I mentioned his name. We’ll escort you to Lucas as soon as we can. If you’re supposed to be at this event, we will allow you in with the rest of our guests.
I didn’t switch my comms to private mode while with Lexi, so everyone on my team heard us talking. I’m keeping them all in the loop until I figure out this whole Lucas-Lexi thing. I’ve been talking more than usual, so my guys picked up on it and got to work.
“Peter confirmed the young lady’s identity and asked you to call him as soon as you can,” Dean says through the earpiece.
“And I talked to Lucas,” Dominic jumps in. “He also confirmed it and asked that we bring her to him.”
“Bring her where? What did he say, exactly?”
“Gabe, what do you want me to say? Lucas is being a dickhead, as always. He said he forgot about her. Or at least he pretended to. Bring her to me in the Grand Ballroom, and I’ll take her to Lucas. I’ll meet you at the door.”
Dominic has never been a fan of the Maiers, even though Peter is an active sponsor of many of the causes that Dominic supports. Lucas and Anita have partied at Dominic’s nightclubs many times. He warned them not to bring in drugs, but he had to clean up after them and their party gang each time. For a few months now, he’s permanently banned them from entering. Peter didn’t say a word. When it comes to his adult children, he can’t say much to defend them, whether out of shame or pride. He’s always been better at business than parenting those two.
I turn around so Lexi won’t hear me. “Dom, what did you find on him? If he’s been using it, he should leave now. A public scandal would destroy Peter.”
“He had some lightweight stuff. I don’t think he got to use any. It just pisses me off that an arrogant prick like him can pull shit like that at a Navy event. If we didn’t need their money for the children’s hospital, we wouldn’t allow any of these assholes in.”
“I’m bringing the girl with me, then I’m calling Peter. I’ll see you in a few,” I reply.
Lexi gives me a questioning look when I get close to her again. “So, what’s it going to be? Are you letting me in? Or do I need to leave now? Look, I told you, I know Lucas. I know what’s going on here. Just let me in. I’m a grown woman. I’ll be fine.”
“Nothing’s going on. I’m sorry about the whole situation. You know how these things happen at events like this one tonight.”
“I don’t, not really. These kinds of events are not my scene.”
“Look, I need to get back to my duties. Dominic will take you to Lucas.”
“Dominic Monti? That Dominic?”
“Yes. Why?”
“Oh, Lena will want to hear this…”
I don’t know who Lena is, but she must’ve had something to do with Lexi getting into the Casino ball tonight.
“Alexis, let’s go, please.”
“It’s Lexi for… friends. But maybe that doesn’t apply to you. Or does it?” she says, a broad smile lighting up her face. “It’s just that I’ve always wanted to come to a ball at the Casino. It’s fascinating how the whole place lights up, and everything sparkles. If I close my eyes, I can imagine it’s the 1920s, and this is a costume ball,” she continues.
I can’t stop looking at her. Her laughter is so damn cute and disarming that I scramble to hide a smile, my fingers curling into my palms to stop myself from reaching out to her or keeping her next to me for the rest of the evening. The way she holds herself, the sass in her words, the curve of those lips—it’s all a tempting invitation.
But this is not the time for it. She’s a distraction that pulls me away from my work, which is frustrating, but something about her has hooked me. She’s not Lucas’s type. And not my type, either. I like discreet, grown women who don’t read anything more into a night of sex and pleasure. But here I am, babysitting her more than I should, especially when I have an entire crew for that.
She grips my arm as we push through the crowd like she’s afraid of getting swept away. Only now… I make the rules. I gently let go of her hand and put my arms around her, pulling her in close, feeling her leg brushing against my thigh as we walk.
I weave through the crowd, keeping her close by my side. My hand rests on the small of her back, like a whisper against her skin. A tremor runs through her as we touch, but she doesn’t pull away or turn to look at me. The way she leans in, trusting, sends a delicious shiver down my spine. There’s a protectiveness bubbling up alongside the heat, a desire to keep her safe in this sea of faces. This feels… different.
I never go out in public with a woman. My time in the Navy hasn’t made it easy for me to transition back into a social life. These last few years have been all about building up my business and reputation as a top-tier Protector. It’s meant a lot of hard work, traveling, and extreme discretion in dealing with high-profile dignitaries or billionaire clients.
Lexi seems to be effortlessly gliding beside me, eager to get to Lucas. I’ll soon have to tear myself away from her. I’m on duty, in public, and I’ve already been away for too long. Green eyes, this doesn’t end there. I’m going to find out who you are.
She pulls away from my arm as Dominic shows up, recognizing who he is. What woman wouldn’t? The unofficial king of seaside nightclubs, the most wanted bachelor. For those who know him well, that’s just his work personality, all thanks to a ton of PR. Even though he seems to thrive in the spotlight, Dominic and his family are still dealing, behind closed doors, with the loss of his youngest brother.
“I’ll take it from here,” Dominic says, grabbing her arm and pulling her closer. Lexi, my new acquaintance with the most mesmerizing green eyes I’ve ever seen, glides away toward the Grand Ballroom with a discreet nod at me. She’s relaxed surprisingly quickly and is enjoying herself. A last smile, and she disappears.