“Look, we’ll sort things out, and you’ll go where you’re supposed to be. Either in that ballroom or outside. Those are the options.”
“You’re going to throw me out? With everyone looking?”
God, I hope she’s not a party crasher. She seems way too sharp to try that. Maybe I overreacted and got her scared. I came on a little intense and didn’t even consider her bravado could be a front. Even when we’re just doing our job and handling a difficult situation, we might unintentionally come across as intimidating.
“Let’s just calm down. We’ll go to that corner by the coat check and try Lucas again,” I say, gesturing for her to walk in front of me. Surprisingly, she listens this time and walks over to the spot I point to, just a few steps away.
“Dean? Did you guys find Lucas?” I ask, waiting for the answer in my earpiece.
“Dominic found him, but he’s not okay. He’ll tell you more,” I hear Dean in my earpiece.
“Did he confirm the young lady is his guest?”
“Gabe, I think it’s better if you ask Dominic,” Dean insists.
“Dominic, please talk to Lucas about the young lady at the front door.”
When we work together on events, my team and I communicate non-stop. Dominic has heard the whole thing. “I found Lucas,” he replies. “I confiscated his crap and shoved a coffee down his throat. I sent my crew to scope out the ballroom. They spot scumbags like Lucas from a mile. Every night, I end up booting out around ten of these idiots from my clubs, even though everyone knows I don’t allow drugs in my locations. But Gabe, I need some time. Lucas is a complete mess right now. You won’t get anything out of him.”
Fuck. Not again, Lucas.
The young woman stops before me, watching fascinated as the crowds move through the hallway to the Grand Ballroom. She seems calmer. And there’s a lot to look at—an overflowing parade of flashy uniforms and expensive jewelry. But for me, this is a night of zero tolerance for Lucas’s typical bullshit.
It seems less crowded next to the cloakroom, and I can wait there until that piece of shit Lucas answers the simple question of whether he knows this woman. Even though she’d be better off without him. Why would she hang out with a lowlife like Lucas, anyway?
As misfortune never comes alone, I see Anita making her way out of the crowd.
“Hello, handsome,” she grins, slithering next to me. She knows I hate it when she does this, especially when I’m working, but she does it anyway to piss me off.
Anita has perfected the seductress image with her tall figure, long, flowing hair, and practiced gestures. Tonight, she’s in full glam—heavy eye makeup, an over-the-top red lip, and a dress that leaves little to the imagination. But behind that pretty face is a heart of ice. She’s a master manipulator obsessed with power and control.
She’s invited herself into my bed countless times and has taken all my refusals personally. I don’t do power games, and I can see right through her femme fatale act. So, in return, she treats me with hostility and loves stirring up drama to embarrass me. She’s always been a liability, so I treat her like one.
Anita turns to our mysterious guest. “And what are you doing here, Lexi? Don’t tell me Dad invited you out of pity. How did you fool him?”
Then she spews her venom at me. “What the hell are you doing with Daddy’s little charity case? She’s off limits, you know. Or does he let you take her for a spin sometimes?”
The foul mouth on this woman! Alexis turns red and starts shaking, her fists clenched. Not a girl fight, damn it. This evening has seen enough already. Lucas is going to pay for this shit.
“Anita, why don’t you move to the Grand Ballroom? I’ll find you later. The lady is here with Lucas. I’ll sort it all out in a minute.”
“Okay, handsome. Remember, you owe me a dance. Oh, and I’ve seen Dominic carrying my wimpy brother to the restroom earlier. Probably to spill out his guts. Good luck sorting that out.” She throws Alexis a sneer and heads to a group of guests.
So, my new acquaintance goes by Lexi. She seems a little thrown off by Anita’s attack, with her back against the wall, holding on to her little clutch.
“I suppose you’re going to ask me about Peter Maier. And all the other crap that your friend Anita said.” She grits her teeth, a forced smile twisting her heart-shaped lips into a thin, red line as she says friend. That red lipstick doesn’t suit her. She’s more likely a naïve, inexperienced woman trying to look like someone she’s not. And Anita has a nasty bite. She managed to offend Lexi in under ten seconds.
“So, you work with Peter?”
“I do. At his company, I mean. It’s an honest job that I happen to be very good at. It’s not whatever Anita was insinuating. Does that clear me for being at this party tonight? Are we good now?”
She works for Peter then. Which means she’s not one of Lucas’s conquests. The idiot might’ve even forgotten he invited her tonight.
“It helps,” I say. “Let me talk to Peter before we check with Lucas. I’m sending him a picture right now.”
“If you must…” she says, her mouth pouting and jaw tightening. She’s getting increasingly frustrated. I can see it in the lines on her forehead and how she clenches her jaw, trying to hold it together.
“So, what’s the hold-up? You might as well give Mr. Maier a little video of all that’s been going down. I’ve had exactly five cameras on me the entire night, plus Dean’s scan camera at the entrance.”