Jordan slowly turned, his eyes going from Vail to me. “We’ll be right down.” He returned the phone to the nightstand. “Forest is here.”
“What?” I yelled. “He didn’t call. I thought he’d at least tell us when he was on his way.”
“Does it surprise you?” Vail asked, pulling a heather gray Henley over his head.
“No, but also yes. I didn’t think he’d actually come.” Forest showing up without a call first wasn’t surprising. He told us he wanted to move here. Was he, or was this a vacation?
Going to the closet, I pulled out a pair of pale pink slacks and slipped a white sweater over my head. I guess I wasn’t going to the studio today. Or I was and taking my brother with me. Who the hell knew?
Jordan texted Raiden to tell him to let Forest up.
The last time I saw my brother was at my grandfather’s funeral. That was before Forest left. Before he got lost in his sorrow while I dug out of the debt my grandfather left.
Every step I took downstairs, the angrier I became until I seethed. Forest left me to handle shit while he flew back to California. He didn’t ask how I was or check in on me. It was like I didn’t exist.
So, when I saw him get out of the elevator, I didn’t hug him; I slapped him.
Forest was so stunned he didn’t do more than gape at Hartley. I wasn’t sure if I should stop Hartley from doing it again or not. Obviously, he was upset. Forest wasn’t there when Hartley needed him most. Did that make him hitting his brother all right? It was a good thing Tahoe was out for a walk or he would have gotten upset.
It brought a whole wave of emotions through me, ones trying to pull me under.
“How dare you leave me like you did?” Hartley yelled. “I needed you and you flaked the fuck off while I had to handle everything.”
“Hart, I’m sorry. I couldn’t deal with it.”
“You think I could? You’re my brother and you left.” Hartley’s voice broke at the end. “You fucking left me.”
Forest pulled Hartley to him and held him close. I wanted to go to them, to see my best friend after so many years of Gil keeping me from those I cared about. I could have contacted Forest after I left Gil, but I didn’t. The thought of telling Forest everything didn’t sit well with me then.
“Why didn’t you yell at me more?” Forest asked, sounding just as upset as Hartley.
“Some things need to be said face-to-face.” Hartley’s words were muffled against Forest’s shoulder.
The longer I watched them, the more the room started to tunnel. Gil’s words moved to the front of my mind as he raised his hand to hit me. It wasn’t a slap like Hartley did to Forest. No, Gil did it when I didn’t obey him. When I caused him to get angry by merely existing.
My ass hit something. Maybe it was the couch or a table or the wall. Next thing I knew, powerful arms were around me, lowering me to the floor. I lashed out at him, didn’t want to be touched. It only led to pain.
“You’re okay, baby,” Jordan said, his voice a soothing balm to my soul, reminding me where I was and who I was with. My body stilled, recognizing him, knowing deep down he’d never hurt me.
“Oh my god,” Hartley said. His gentle hand went through my hair. “Vail, what happened?”
“You hit your brother,” Jordan supplied softly when words failed me.
“I didn’t… I wouldn’t…. Vail,” Hartley cried.
Tears welled in my eyes. I wasn’t afraid of him. The movement of his hand connecting with Forest’s face brought me back into that pit of hell I lived in for too long.
“I’m so sorry. I won’t do that ever again. Please don’t leave.”
Leave? He thought I’d walk away?
“It’ll be all right,” Jordan murmured. “If Vail thought you’d hurt him, he wouldn’t be with you.”
“V?” Forest asked. He was closer now, his voice a reminder of my childhood. Of safe spaces and warm places. Of light, love, and acceptance.