She sighed. “At least I’m at the top of the list.”
A waiter stopped next to us with a tray of champagne in crystal flutes. I took one, as did Hartley. Jordan didn’t surprise me by not getting one for himself. With a protective arm around each of us, my guess was he wanted to be prepared for anything, even with the security surrounding us.
More and more people filled the room. We went through the line of tables to see if there were items we’d like to bid on. I’d bid on something, wanting to make a sizable donation to the charity. When my eyes fell on a photo of a picturesque cabin with a lake as the backdrop, I couldn’t stop the icy dread from washing over me.
“Vail,” Hartley said, but I couldn’t take my attention from what was in front of me. “Are you okay?”
I shook my head, unable to form words.
Jordan’s hand pressed to the center of my back, reminding me I was with men who loved me. “What is it?”
I had to tell them, say something, so they knew why I’d froze. “Gil’s cabin.”
“What?” Jordan growled. I didn’t hear more than him snap his fingers and muffled voices because my vision had tunneled.
Why was his cabin an item to bid on? When did he donate it? He had to have known Jordan would be here.
I had more questions than answers. Questions that soon whirled so fast in my mind my stomach began to revolt.
I turned, rushing from the room until I found the door to the bathrooms in the hallway and pushed through in time to throw up into the closest toilet.
Jordan and I followed Vail with guards behind us. I rubbed Vail’s back as he kneeled on the tiled floor, grateful for the cleanliness of the hotel. Why I thought about that was because it was easier than the idea of Gil knowing exactly what he was doing by putting his property up for auction. Whatever I could focus on that wasn’t him was preferable. Otherwise, the murderous side of me would come out.
Vail sat on his ass, his back resting against the stall wall while I flushed the toilet. Sweat dotted his brow. His lips were parted to suck in breath after breath. I crouched in front of him to smooth his hair from his face. Without opening his eyes, Vail took my hand in his and held it tight to his chest.
A commotion in the hallway brought my eyes to Jordan’s, who stood towering over us, a protective force from anyone who tried to get near. His jaw clenched before he turned and strode toward the door.
“Mr. Altair,” I heard a woman say. “What’s happened?”
The door shut slowly, muffling their voices.
I focused on Vail. “Deep breaths.”
“Why does he haunt me?” Vail whispered. “Wherever I go, he’s there without standing in front of me.”
“He knows how to hurt you, emotionally and physically.” The thought of everything Vail had been through made me want to take a turn emptying the contents of my stomach into the toilet.
Vail’s eyes opened, tears pooling in them. “Why won’t he leave me alone?”
“Because he’s fucking crazy. We won’t let him get near you though.”
“Don’t you see? He is. He did this on purpose.” A tear broke free and slid down his cheek.
Where was Gil and a gun when I needed it? I’d gladly spend my life in prison if it meant removing that asshole from the earth. Then again, I wouldn’t have to because Jordan would have someone dispose of the body and clean up the evidence. I’d spend my life with Jordan and Vail and not feel an ounce of guilt about what I did. Was that how Jordan felt all the time? He didn’t seem to carry around guilt for the lives he’d taken, except for his wife and Malik.
“I want it to stop,” Vail cried. “Hart, make it stop.”
Leaning forward, I embraced him the best I could.
The door opened; Jordan reentered the bathroom. His hand gripped the metal stall door until his knuckles turned white as he looked down at us. “The cabin was a last-minute donation, submitted three days ago under a fake name. Get up. We’re leaving.”
Vail released me to wipe his eyes. We both stood and Vail dove for Jordan, embracing him. While Jordan held Vail, Jordan’s eyes were on mine. There was a promise of death in them. Jordan didn’t want to go against Vail’s wishes, but how much could he take before he did what he wanted and killed Gil? If he could find him, that was. We still didn’t know where he was.
“No,” Vail said as he pulled away. “I won’t let him take anything else from me tonight. I came here to have a nice evening with you and Hart. To help raise money.”