Page 31 of Vail

Albert waited for us downstairs next to Jordan’s car. Two SUVs would travel with us to assist the security already in place at the event. They weren’t dressed in tuxes like we were. They wore suits in shades of navy, dark gray, and black, except for Sheldon, who went with mauve.

“What?” he asked when he saw us glancing his way.

“The idea was for you to blend in,” Jordan stated.

He shrugged. “I can do that in this. It’s nice to add color now and then.”

Kayli exited the building in a black figure-hugging dress that went to her ankles, where black open-toed heels adorned her feet. A slit ran up the side to her hip, which she planted a hand on. “Are we doing this or what?”

Sheldon chuckled. “And you were worried about me blending in. No one will notice I exist next to her.”

“Except the people who like dick,” Hartley added.

Jordan sighed. “Can we leave already?”

“Of course, sir,” Albert said and opened the doors. I got in the front while Jordan and Hartley sat in the back.

The drive to the hotel the fundraiser was being held at didn’t take long. Jordan’s building was in the heart of East Dremest, with the hotel being only a handful of blocks away. The East Dremest Luxury Hotel & Spa had the best high-end accommodations on this side of the city. It was a newer hotel. If I remembered right, it was built within the last decade or so.

While the Dremest Hotel on the other side of the city had been around a long time and had old-style charm, this one was more upscale, with contemporary styling and a younger feel. I didn’t walk into this hotel and wait to be scolded for leaning against the furniture. Not that I did in the other one, but this was more my taste. Comfort with style. I’d been here to meet people for a drink and sometimes a night in one of their rooms.

Albert pulled the car up to the curb, where the valet knew better than to open the door for Jordan. It still blew my mind how everyone catered to him. Whether it was out of fear, respect, or wanting to get in his good graces, Jordan was a commanding presence wherever he went.

Opening my door then Jordan’s, Albert stood at the side of the car while we exited. He wouldn’t let the valet drive the Maserati, so he got back in once we had exited to park it. He’d stay with the car just in case Jordan wanted to leave earlier than intended.

The two SUVs with us let people out, then followed Albert around the block to the parking deck for the hotel. Kayli smoothed her hand down her dress while the valet’s jaw dropped as he openly stared at her. Sheldon stopped by her side, offering his arm, which she took. Oleander and Rory were also with us. Reghan and Raiden would join us after they parked.

The lobby of the hotel was stunning, with a sleek white desk to the right and light gray marble floors. Two stories’ worth of windows were the forward-facing front of the building’s lobby, allowing natural light to pour in during the day and the streetlights to illuminate it by night. A restaurant sat through a door to the left that had a three month long waiting list, last time I checked. Couches in soft ivory sat beyond the desk along with glass tables. This place never ceased to amaze me.

A man in a charcoal suit grinned when he saw us. His eyes held warmth and not a hint of intimidation or fear. Light auburn hair brushed to the side and a clean-shaven jaw. He was a very attractive man.

“Jordan, it’s great to see you again,” he greeted.

“Em, always a pleasure.” Jordan offered his hand, and they shook. “Hartley, Vail, this is Emeric Saylor, Lana’s brother.”

He offered his hand to Hartley and me. “I’m more than her brother.”

“Sorry for not singing your accolades,” Jordan said dryly. “Em owns the hotel and is also an attorney, consulting for Lana’s firm as needed.” Now that I looked at him closer, I could see the resemblance to his sister. Freckles scattered on his nose and cheeks, but his blue eyes weren’t nearly as shrewd as Lana’s. He was tall like her though, slightly shorter than me.

“Jordan likes my sister more than me.” Emeric winked.

“Your sister keeps me out of jail.”

“Yes, but I’ve helped.”

“Are you going to join us at the fundraiser or stand here demanding more attention?”

“The attention is nice. Come on, I’ll show you to the ballroom. My team did an amazing job getting it ready, along with the organization hosting it.”

We followed Emeric down the wide hall, making a left down one a little smaller. He chatted animatedly the entire time. I was waiting for Jordan to tell him to shut up. Jordan seemed to have a threshold of how much happiness he could deal with from others who weren’t his family or Hartley and me. But we reached the room before that could happen.

“Wow,” Hartley whispered in awe when we entered the space.

Tables were lined along the walls in a U toward the front with items to be bid on. Black tablecloths sat beneath the items with silver trim. The lighting was just bright enough for us to see clearly while not being too harsh. There was an open dance floor, where a few couples swayed to the music the string instruments played beyond the tables on a small raised stage. Dining tables were adorned with silver tablecloths and crystal stemware. Each table had a beautiful floral centerpiece with white roses and other flowers of the same color. The room was pure elegance, as were the people within it dressed in formal wear.

Kayli strode toward us, her leg peeking out through the slit in her dress with every other step. Her eyes went from Emeric’s feet to his head, finally landing on his lips. “I’d hit on you again because you’re that beautiful, but I know how that will end.”

Emeric chuckled. “If I were going to be with a woman, you’d be my first choice.”