His mind flashed back to last night. That cutie had handled the spanking well. She’d also handled having her little princess parts stretched. Poor thing. She had to be sore. He’d examined both areas this morning—a fact that had embarrassed her—and found she was okay. Of course that had led to him stretching that tight pussy again, but what else was he supposed to do? He smiled to himself. He’d have it once more before the day was over, too. She needed to just get used to that.
His cock roared as he considered the possibilities. He shoved those thoughts from his mind, though, as he came upon Sheriff Stone and a couple of other guys standing near a structure that was still under construction
“I’m going to pull over and let Wyatt know we’re here,” he said.
“Can I come?”
“Of course.”
He parked at the curb, hopped out, and jogged around to help his bride step down. Their feet crunched loudly atop the hard-packed dirt of the lot. A slight wind kicked up, sending some saw dust off the building’s frame. The smell of freshly cut lumber followed.
“Howdy, Sheriff.”
“Kirk. Glad y’all made it okay. Gentlemen, meet the newlyweds. Kirk and Layla Grayson,” Wyatt said. Turning his attention to the couple, he said, “This is Dax Trevor and Dr. Kevin McDonald, from over in Mountainville. Dax is the town’s marshal and Kevin is one of the physicians.”
The men from Mountainville shook hands with Kirk and Layla.
The tall, broad, muscular Dax took off the cream-colored Stetson he wore when he smiled at Layla. “Ma’am,” he said.
She giggled.
“She’s as cute as can be,” Dax said. He then laughed. “Sorry. I forget I’m not dealing with a Little.”
“No need to apologize,” Kirk said. “She is cute. That’s for sure. And she’ll have some things in common with those Littles of Mountainville. At least for a while.”
The men chuckled knowingly. Layla blushed but didn’t look too uncomfortable.
“Dr. McDonald here is pulling double duty,” Wyatt Stone explained. “He’s filling in for us over here until we get our own doc.”
“That reminds me,” Kirk said. “Layla has an appointment with you in the morning.”
“I look forward to it,” Dr. McDonald said. “Just a routine checkup. Won’t take that long but we’ll make sure she’s fit and healthy.” He winked at her.
She offered a weak smile, but it was obvious she was nervous about the upcoming exam. Kirk made a note to comfort her later.
“Wyatt,” a distant voice interrupted.
They all looked to see an approaching golf cart. Behind the wheel was Margo, heading straight toward her husband. She stopped at the curb and then walked the rest of the way.
“I, uh, sort of need some help.”
Kirk noted the woman’s cheeks were mighty red as she spoke and he wondered just what sort of help she needed. Wasn’t any of his business, though.
“Just a minute, honey. Let me finish up with the guys here,” the sheriff said.
His wife nodded respectfully and then hung back by Layla. The two women started up a conversation and Wyatt used the opening to say, in a low voice, “I need to talk to you, Kirk.”
The group of guys stepped farther away, closer to the under-construction building, before he continued.
“Dax was nice enough to come over and give me his professional opinion. Seems we have someone watching us.”
“Watching?” Kirk said.
“That’s right,” Stone said with a nod. “I found evidence of them a week or so back. Up yonder in the mountains. Then today a figure was spotted lurking here on this lot. Now it’s possible it was a scavenger. You know how construction sites are. Someone is always poking around them trying to find something to steal. Tools and such. Or sometimes they’re harmless, just wanting scraps.”
“But something tells you that isn’t the case here,” Kirk guessed.
The sheriff offered a solemn nod. “That’s right. I can’t help but think the two are related.”