“Of course, there’s the chance they are related and it is still just a thief,” Dax suggested. “I know you want to stop him, but some guy trying to steal tools and such is better than someone meaning y’all harm.”
“I hope you’re right,” Wyatt said. “A thief I can deal with. The other, well, I’ll deal with them, too, but I don’t want anyone getting hurt in the process.”
“I’ll back your play,” Dax said. “Bo and Vance, back in Mountainville, will come running, too. There are other men. Tough men, all of ‘em, who can hold their own in a fight. If it comes to that.”
“I’m obliged to y’all,” Wyatt said. “But I hope we don’t have to fight.”
“Just the same,” Dax said, “I’ll be keeping a sharp eye out. Could be that whoever is watching y’all has it in mind to harm Mountainville, too. Besides that, we all stick together.”
“You need my help?” Kirk asked. “I know I’m not trained, but I can cowboy. Meaning I can ride and shoot with the best of them. Not to sound arrogant.”
The men laughed.
“I might take you up on that,” Sheriff Stone said. “Though let’s hope it doesn’t come to shooting. I had enough of that nonsense back in the city. I want peace and quiet. And I sure don’t want anyone in this county getting hurt. That goes for Mountainville, too.
“Just keep a watch on your missus there. I’m spreading the word to all the men, but I want to keep this just between us. No sense in getting the ladyfolk scared.”
Kirk looked determined as he spoke. “We’ll protect them no matter what comes our way.
“They can count on that.”
While the men were talking, Layla hugged Margo.
“That was a beautiful ceremony,” the older woman said. “I’m so happy for you two.”
“Thank you,” Layla said. “I’m beyond thrilled. I’m so excited, in fact, that I didn’t want to go on a big honeymoon trip. I told Kirk to save it for our one-year anniversary. I was just ready to get down here to Brennan County.”
“Well, we’re thrilled to have you,” Margo said.
“What are you doing here? Come to find Sheriff Stone?”
“Yeah. I, uh…well, I might as well tell you. Can’t hide much around here. I sorta need a diaper change.”
Layla’s eyes went wide, though she tried to regain quick control of her emotions.
“Don’t worry,” Margo said with an easygoing smile. “It’s okay.”
“I guess I shouldn’t be shocked. I’ll be there soon. Tomorrow,” Layla said. “But…well, I don’t mean anything by it…but you’re—”
“Older,” Margo said with a slight laugh. “There, I said it so you don’t have to.”
“I didn’t mean anything bad!” Layla said, growing bashful.
“I know that,” Margo said. “I guess I should explain. I know the newly married women are put in diapers but sometimes I am, when I misbehave and Wyatt thinks I need something to get my attention. That’s what’s happening here. I suppose I threw a fit like a baby so I’m being treated like a baby. It’s my own fault.”
Layla couldn’t help it—her eyes fell below the woman’s waist. Sure enough, there was a bulky poof stretching her jeans farther than they normally would be.
“Well,” Layla said with a grin. “At least I won’t be alone tomorrow when my time comes.”
She winked, but inside she was nervous at the thought.
Very, very nervous.
Chapter Eight
Layla twirled across the kitchen, barely stopping before she crashed into a stack of boxes that rested just beside the refrigerator.