I guess we’re done talking. He seemed uncomfortable when I said I might start dating, or maybe it’s just the topic of dating in general. Maybe it makes him think of his ex.
We go in the laser tag place.
“Two please,” Jace says to the guy at the counter.
“I need to see IDs. It’s 21 and over night.”
We get out our licenses and show the guy.
“It’s ten for ten minutes or thirty for a half hour.”
Jace looks at me. “Half hour?”
“Can we do less? Thirty dollars is kind of a lot for me.”
“Don’t worry about it. I got it.” He hands the guy the money.
“It’s right through that door,” the guy says, pointing to it. “Have fun.”
We step away from the counter. “Jace, I can’t let you pay. It’s too much.”
“I have a job. And besides, I’ll be returning the earrings I got Nikki for our anniversary. They were three hundred so I’m coming out ahead.”
“Still, it’s too much. Can I at least give you a ten?”
He stops in front of me. “I’m paying for it, okay? It was my idea, and if I wasn’t here with you tonight, I’d be sitting in my room, thinking about Nikki and feeling like shit.”
“I thought you said you weren’t going to do that.”
“I would if I had nothing else to do. I needed someone to get me out of the house. Someone who understands what I’m going through.” He grabs my hand. “C’mon, let’s go. I’ll show you what to do.”
I like the feel of his hand around mine. He has big hands. He’s a big guy, at least six foot five. I know nothing can happen between us, but I have to admit, I’m attracted to Jace. I was the moment I saw him, which surprised me because he looks nothing like Liam.
Liam’s five foot eight with reddish blond hair that he wears in a buzz cut. He’s covered in freckles, which I thought was cute when we met, but I don’t now. In fact, I don’t think he’s attractive at all now that I know the real Liam. I still love him. Even though he hurt me, I can’t just turn off my feelings for him, but any attraction I felt for him is gone.
But Jace? I’m definitely attracted to Jace. He’s really hot. Dark hair, deep brown eyes, and a hard, muscular body that I keep staring at and wanting to touch. Never in a million years did I think I’d be interested in some other guy after being dumped by my boyfriend. I thought it would take months before I’d be interested in a guy again, but here I am, lusting after my roommate.
Jace stops and lets go of my hand as we enter a room that has another check-in counter with a guy that looks like he’s still in high school. Behind him is a rack of red and blue vests.
“Receipt?” the guy says. Jace shows him our receipt, then the guy grabs two vests and hands them to us. He reaches under the counter and brings out two plastic guns. “Just go through those doors.”
“You guys sell beer?” Jace asks.
“Not yet. Still waiting on our liquor license.” He slides a laminated map toward us across the counter. “This is the arena.” He points to the top of the map. “This is where you’ll enter. Once the game starts, you can go anywhere in the arena. You can work together or separately. You earn points tagging people so try to get as many people as you can.”
I lean down to get a closer look at the map. It reminds me of a corn maze the way it winds through the room.
“Any questions?” the guy asks.
“How do you use the gun?” I ask.
“I can show you,” Jace says.
“There’s a practice area over there.” The guy points behind us where there’s a mannequin set up wearing a red vest. “Next game starts in five minutes.”
“Got it. Thanks.” Jace says. We head toward the mannequin and Jace points to a line on the floor. “Stand here.”
I stand by the line and Jace stands beside me. He’s so much taller than Liam. I’m not used to being around a guy this tall. And he’s a lot bigger than Liam, wider and more muscular.