“Like what? So far you haven’t said much about what happened with Nikki.”
“Because I’m still getting to know you. I didn’t think it’d be right to be giving you advice.”
“But if you did, what would you tell me?”
“To not get back together with her.”
“That’s not gonna happen. Not after what I saw today. She didn’t even act sorry for what she did. There’s no way I’d take her back.”
“You say that now, but girls are good at convincing guys to forgive them.”
“Maybe some guys would fall for that, but I’m not one of them.”
“You could be, if she catches you at a weak moment.”
I pull into the parking lot of the laser tag place. “What about you? Are you worried you’ll go back to Liam?”
“I was, but now I think I can do this. I think I’ll be okay on my own.”
“What changed your mind?”
“The last few hours.”
“What do you mean?”
“After what happened, I thought I’d be sad for weeks, maybe even months. But you had me smiling within an hour of meeting you. You even got me to laugh. I was laughing just a few hours after finding Liam with another girl. I didn’t think that was possible, but it happened, which just proves I’ll be okay without him.”
I made her smile. I made her laugh. It was what I was going for, but to hear Kenzie say it, to hear her say I’m the one who did that, makes me feel really good. It takes away some of my own sadness and anger about what happened today.
Kenzie says I helped her, but she helped me too. More than she knows.
“Maybe I should start dating again,” I say as Jace turns off the truck. “I was going to wait, but maybe I’ll get out there again like you’re going to do.”
He turns to me. “You mean date, or get into another relationship?”
“Date. I’m like you. I’m not ready for another relationship.”
“I don’t think that’s a good idea.”
“Because guys are assholes. They’ll try to use you.”
“For what? Sex?”
“Yeah, which is the last thing you need.”
“Who says I don’t need sex?”
He clears his throat. “I didn’t mean you don’t need it. I just—forget it. It’s none of my business.”
“I’m not opposed to casual dating. In fact, maybe that’s what I need. Ever since you brought it up, I’ve been thinking it might be good to date around. Keep my options open.”
“Let’s go,” he says, getting out of the truck.