Chase stood across a grassy field, staring at her with the most heartbreaking expression on his
face. “Chase . . .”
The Immortal stood and a voice came from another direction. The voice was ugly and told her to
do things she didn’t want to do. “No . . .”
Kill him!
“No . . .” She rolled to her knees and hugged her arms around her head, trying to block out the
voice. “No . . .”
Kill him! Kill them all!
A gentle hand swiped the back of her head and her mind cleared.
Make your choice, Sabrina, the Immortal said inside her head. Choose your Master and you will
be freed from the other.
She looked to one side where Damian stood, face contorted with rage, fists clenched. His mouth
moved in slow motion, his eyes lit with fury. She looked to the other side where Chase stood, eyes
full of love and compassion, his hands reaching out for her. Back and forth she looked between the
two men. Both pulled at her mind. She belonged to both. She wanted to please both of them.
She crawled to her feet and turned to the huge Immortal that stood over her. Kronos, she thought
his name was.
“I will not force you to one man or the other,” he said aloud. “This is your choice.”
She looked again to either side. Her mind wanted Damian. Her heart wanted Chase. She lifted her
face to the black velvet sky scattered with diamonds and closed her eyes.
There is another option . . .
Her vision exploded in golden light and she saw pure white sands and brilliant blue waters. The
sand between her toes was as soft as silk. The wind caressed her hair, soothing the ache in her body
and her heart. The turquoise sky above with the golden sun warmed her skin and soothed her mind.
Kronos approached, holding out his hands to her. “No more pain, no more sadness. Complete
peace here, Sabrina.”
She looked around at the beautiful setting. Her heart was at peace for the first time she could
remember. She sighed and leaned her head against Kronos’ stomach. She closed her eyes as a breeze
kissed her cheeks. He pet her hair and held her close.
Here tempted her. After everything she’d gone through, she could be free from it all. Free from