I look back at the shoreline of Isla Tierra, where Joe is standing with crossed arms. His disapproving scowl is firmly in place.
“Is he really able to keep the imps away?” I ask, peeking at the water.
“I don’t see any trying to climb on board. Do you?”
He huffs out a long breath. He’s been paddling for the past ten minutes and I’m fighting the urge to ask him if he needs help. I lose the fight, but before I can say anything, he raises his hand to my lips.
“Don’t even think about it,” he says.
“But you’re breathing hard.”
I refrain from responding when I spot Jesse and Alejandra at the border of the castle's shoreline.
“Ready to be back?” Brandon asks me as the edge of the boat hits the sand and sinks in.
“Do I have a choice?” I ask, knowing how things have to be.
He takes my hand in his and squeezes it tightly.
Jesse reaches us and takes a hold of the edge of the boat, helping pull it into the sand. “Better late than never, I guess.”
Brandon lets go of my hand, and I instantly feel the absence of his warmth.
“You couldn't find your way back the same day?” Jesse asks.
Alejandra reaches us too and her step has an edge to it. “You’re lucky the Pillard family is more preoccupied with your grandfather than you.”
“That’s because they do not think they will have to deal with me just yet.” Brandon looks around. “How come there are no guards on shore?”
“We had to tell the guards that you took a boat trip to clear your mind with a guard,” Jesse says.
“I told them my team would take over security of the shore while you were out here. They seem to be glad for the break,” Alejandra adds.
“The story would be more believable if you let her paddle.” Jesse looks between us.
“I tried,” I say.
“I might be the crown prince, but I am foremost a gentleman.” Brandon throws the paddle at his brother's head. Jesse is quick to catch it, and swings back, but Brandon is already running.
I watch the brothers run. When I turn back to Alejandra, she is staring at me.
“Get inside and rest. You’ll have the late night shift until further notice.”
“Okay,” I say.
I climb out of the boat and start heading inside. I can’t shake the feeling that I have been punished for something.
“What are you doing?” I say, clutching my fists to my chest.
I didn’t expect anyone to be in Brandon’s suite this late at night. That’s what I get for not being more alert while doing rounds. I look back at the open suite door that leads to the wing hallway. The hallways are empty, but I still check for fear my voice carries away. I haven’t seen a soul walk past all night, but that doesn’t mean there isn’t one lingering around, waiting for the moment I’m not paying attention.
“I can’t sleep.” Brandon takes a seat in the couch area.
I look around the closed doors, but everyone inside the rooms seems asleep. We returned from the island two days ago. So far, I’ve been in charge of the night watch. I walk perimeters, ensuring nothing gets past me into Brandon’s suite. Unlike the last stop, we have an entire wing to our group. Alejandra and I are still rooming together, but close to the rest of the group. A few guards have rooms down the hall, too.
Brandon has been attending events all day while I’m off, and asleep while I’m on guard. We have exchanged a few words since we returned, but nothing else. He often looks at me like he wants to say more, but rushes to his next event. Stolen glances are all I have left.