I look at the lines under his eyes. He looks tired. I thought the change in my schedule had me beaten, but I’m not the only one.
I rub my eyes. “I know the feeling.”
“You can’t sleep?”
His concern makes my heart skip a beat. Why can we go days hardly speaking a word, but at the smallest sign that he cares, my heart can’t control itself?
I need to distract myself. I promised myself I would stop trying to romanticize Brandon in my head. We never talked about what happened on the island. The last thing I want is to appear like a love-sick puppy following him. How absurd to have the thief fall in love with the future king.
“I keep thinking of the divers.” I shiver at the memory.
One night’s entertainment was going outside by the cliff’s edge and watching divers perform. By performing, I mean they dove into rock-infested waters. The worst part was there was no magic used in the act. They could die if any of their movements went wrong. I later learned that people in this part of the world have been practicing cliff diving for centuries. When common humans lived here, they too joined in the activity.
“You wouldn’t try it?” His teasing smile tells me he knows the answer to that.
“Did you forget I’m not the best swimmer?” I remind him, then instantly regret it. Bringing up the island feels forbidden somehow.
His chuckle is like music in weeks of silence. “I couldn’t forget a thing about you if I tried.” The statement is light, but it quiets the night—if that is even possible. “And I have tried.”
“Brandon…” I trail off because what can I say to that revelation?
“Come here,” he says, holding out his hand.
I don’t wait long before I’m up and walking toward him. Brandon Oscuro is a dangerous man, but not for the reasons I first thought. I sit next to him on the couch, my heartbeat erratic. At first, I think he is going to kiss me like he did on the island. Instead, his lips gently settle on my forehead.
“Let me try something,” he says.
He settles back into the couch and moves over for me. I snuggle between the cushions and him. His face burrows deep in my hair. His arm hugs me from the side while his other goes under the cushions we use as a pillow.
Before I can ask any questions, I can hear his breathing deepening. He fell asleep. I move slightly to look over his shoulder, but his arm tightens on me. A smile tugs at my lips and I relax into his hold, closing my eyes too.
I’m jarred from sleep as the door opens, and Alejandra walks into the room. Her eyes dart between Brandon and me, back and forth. Her gaze swipes around the room before she promptly turns around and opens the door.
“Shift change is happening in fifteen minutes.”
Her statement echoes in the silent room as she shuts the door behind her. I shove Brandon’s shoulder to wake him, but it only makes him grunt and snuggle closer to me.
“Alejandra was just here.”
I expect my statement to have some reaction from him, and it does. Not exactly what I expected. He opens one eye, then he shrugs. I look at my watch and see I’m already behind schedule. Alejandra was supposed to start her shift five minutes ago. She probably came here wondering why I took so long to return to our room. That’s usually where we do shift change. It’s not like Brandon needs constant supervision; he’s not a child.
Being dismissed with a shrug really wakes me up. I throw all my weight to the side, taking Brandon sideways with me. I grab onto the couch before I go off the side like he does.
The landing of his body hitting the floor is louder than I expected. The future king lets out a huff and an “ouch” immediately. Huh, I guess he wasn’t faking sleep. He didn’t even try to break his fall with his arms. I’m sure it’s only a matter of seconds before someone comes running in to check what is happening.
“I said: someone saw us.” I stretch out every word.
“Everything is fine.” Brandon rubs the mess of curls on his head with sleepy eyes. “I’m still tired. Let’s go to my bed, I don’t trust you not to throw me off the couch again.”
I grab a pillow and aim straight at his head. He moves fast, but not before it smacks the side of his head. I get up and head back to my room. It seems he will not help me deal with this.
“We’re leaving today,” I remind him as I exit the room. “Alejandra,” I call.
She doesn’t answer me. I walk into my room tentatively, unsure what will happen next. Her eyes are glued to her mirror while her hands are setting the collar of her shirt. Her hands tremble a bit; she looks more flustered than anything.
“Alejandra,” I say again.
Finally, her eyes meet mine in the mirror. What I see there makes me step back.