“It is all but a done deal. We can all smell the bond on you. She’s your woman, Adrian. True mates accept each other wholly. The beast and the man. Now let’s go get her out of there.”
We got out of the truck, not fully latching the doors back closed to keep from making any noises. Logan waited near the truck. I slipped to the house across from Olivia’s, where Carter was waiting for me in his wolf form.
“She’s in the living room,” Carter told me.
“You’re sure?” I said. The blinds were all pulled, so I couldn’t see anything inside.
Carter let out a huff. “Dustin’s an idiot. I walked around the house and he had no idea. I could hear them talking in the living room even with the windows and curtains closed.”
“Yeah, but he’s a dangerous idiot,” I growled. “I assume he has a weapon? I’m sure even Olivia could have taken him down if he was unarmed.”
“I heard Olivia say something like, was he really going to use that gun,” Carter said.
I muttered a curse. “We will have to be careful, then. If we try to just rush him, the gun could go off and hit Olivia.”
“What’s the plan, then?”
Inside, my wolf was raging, tearing at my insides to get out. I had to do something or risked losing control altogether.
“I don’t have one,” I growled. “Improvise.”
Carter’s ears laid back on his head. “That’s a bad idea, Boss.”
“There’s no other choice,” I said and jogged across the street before Carter could stop me. I heard Carter whine and then pad over to the truck to confer with Logan. Whatever happened, I at least took comfort in knowing my pack had my back.
I stepped silently up the front steps and paused outside her front door, expanding my senses to hear two faint heartbeats coming from inside the house. Taking a deep breath, I knocked on the door as if nothing was wrong.
“Who is it?” I heard Dustin stage-whisper at Oliva. “It’s too early to be Adrian.”
“No one else would be here this late without calling,” she replied.
Dustin grunted. “Fine, tell him to come in. Sit here.”
It baffled me that Dustin really thought he was being sneaky. Even without my wolf senses, everything seemed off.
“It’s open,” Olivia called out loudly.
I slowly pushed the door open. The house was dim, only light from one lamp coming from the living room. When I stepped into the room, I tried to act surprised when I saw the gleaming metal of a gun pointed at Olivia’s head. She was sitting in a chair, facing me, her eyes wide in fear, but not for herself. She was afraid for me. I then registered that Dustin was standing behind her, but his gaze was fixed on me, burning with the hatred of a thousand suns.
“Make your way here slowly,” Dustin ordered, aiming the gun at me. I walked slowly into the room, my hands raised and all my focus on Olivia. It’s okay. Everything will be okay, I told her mentally. We shifters aren’t telepathic, but sometimes very strong emotions can be felt through mate and familial bonds. Oliva let out a small gasp, but then she gave an almost imperceptible nod, and I knew she could feel my calming energy.
“I’m so glad you could finally join us, Adrian. Now Oliva can see for herself what a monster you really are!” Dustin said, his voice growing louder, a maniacal gleam in his eyes.
“Dustin, you don’t have to do this,” I said in a placating voice, judging the distance between us. The coward had placed Olivia as a shield between the two of us and her legs were bound. I calculated that if I got a little closer, I could move at my top speed and take him before he got a shot off.
“Liv, you okay, darling?” I asked, making my way closer so that I could leap over the couch toward Dustin without hurting her.
“Could be better. Dustin here’s been telling some interesting tales. He thinks he saw you turn into a wolf monster and kill some people. Crazy, right?” She huffed out a nervous laugh.
He must have somehow seen the whole deal with the rogues, as if I needed any more incentive to off him.
I let out a shocked laugh. “What? Dude, you cannot be serious.”
“I know what I saw!” Dustin said, stepping toward me, his hand shaking slightly in rage. I had to be careful. The guy was at the end of his rope and could do anything.
“Look, man, Mystic Cove is a weird town. Just last week, I saw a duck—a duck—going totally ape on another duck! Who knew they were such vicious little birds?”
Yeah, yeah, it was a lame example, even if it was true. Stupid ducks. But I had to keep Dustin focused on me. He took another step closer and I saw Olivia quietly trying to loosen the bonds around her feet.