“Ducks? Who cares about ducks? I saw you! You shifted into a wolf and ripped those other wolves to shreds, you and that brother of yours.”
“Oh, now Carter is a wolf-man too?” I said Carter’s name exceptionally loud, hoping he would take the hint. “Should I call him over here so you can accuse him to his face?”
“What are you—”
Glass sprayed through the living room with a deafening crash! A large black wolf bounded through the window behind Dustin, who crouched to protect his face from the flying shards. Olivia dove from the chair and hit the floor near the couch, her hands over her head.
Dustin screamed as he turned and saw Carter’s wolf. He raised his gun as Carter pounced, knocking him to the ground. The gun went off, the sound ricocheting around the room, a deafening sonic boom to those of us with wolf-like hearing. Carter let out a whine and collapsed.
“I’ll kill you!” I screamed at Dustin. He shot my brother! I couldn’t suppress the wolf any longer. I felt the pleasure-pain of the shift go through me, my bones breaking and re-knitting themselves as I shifted into my wolf. I could feel my teeth and claws elongate as my animal chomped at the bit to tear his guts out.
“Don’t!” Olivia screamed, but she might as well have been talking to a brick wall. All I saw was red.
Dustin screamed at the sight of my shift. Or at the sight of my huge red wolf lunging toward him. Another shot went off. I felt the pressure of it slamming into my shoulder, but the adrenaline didn’t let me feel the pain. Dustin scrambled away, pulling the chair Olivia had been sitting in between us, his complexion as pale as a blank piece of paper.
The front door burst open, and two more wolves bounded into the room—Rina and Logan. Dustin screamed again, but before any of us could get to him, Olivia popped up from around the couch and took out Dustin’s knees with a baseball bat, the gun flying out of his hand. He rolled over onto his back and Logan jumped on top, his massive weight pinning Dustin to the ground.
“Going somewhere, punk?” Logan’s wolf asked.
The fact that a werewolf was talking to him must have been the last straw for Dustin’s psyche. His eyes rolled back in his head as he passed out.
Logan let out a curse. “What a disappointment. I really wanted a reason to rip his throat out.”
Rina shifted back to her human form and ran over to Carter.
“Is he…” I was too afraid to finish the sentence.
She let out a relieved sigh as Carter whined and licked her hand. “He’ll be fine. We just need to get Pam over here.”
Logan shifted back into his human form and pulled his cell phone from his pocket to call the healer.
Oliva, her legs still bound, was panting, taking in the whole scene. I padded closer to her, but still kept a few feet away. This was her first time seeing my wolf, and I wasn’t sure what was going through her mind. I could still only sense fear coming off of her. But if it was only a lingering fear of what Dustin had just put her through or fear of me, I couldn’t be sure.
Our eyes met and we stared at each other for a long moment. Then she held her hand out, beckoning me forward. I bounded over to her and she took my furry neck in her hands and put her forehead against mine.
“Thank the goddess you are all right!” she exclaimed.
I shifted back into my human form, keeping our foreheads together. When I was fully changed, I held her hands in mine. I reached down and used my wolf strength to break the bindings at her ankles.
“You’re bleeding!” she exclaimed.
I looked down and saw blood trailing down my shirt. I let out a grunt. “It’s just a flesh wound.” Actually, it had been more than a flesh wound. It had gone clear through my shoulder. But since I had been in wolf-form, it had already started healing.
“What about you?” I asked her, running my hands down her arms, caressing her face again. “Did Dustin do anything to you?” I ran a hand down her hair and felt a knot at the base of her skull. “Did he hit you?”
“It’s nothing.” She waved the injury off, but I knew she was going to have a massive headache if she didn’t already. “Adrian, when I heard that gun go off…I thought I might lose you.” Her voice broke off in a choked sob.
“Never,” I said, caressing her face again. “You’re stuck with me for life. Where you go, I go,” I vowed and pulled her into a kiss. And just like that, I felt the bond finally snap into place. It was like a rubber band that had been stretched too thin being returned to its normal state. All of Olivia’s emotions flooded into me, stealing my breath away. Her fears, dreams, and her love for me, for a split second, I experienced them all before the veil fell again and her thoughts remained hers. She gasped into my mouth, feeling the same thing that I was, and I used the chance to deepen the kiss, not caring that her stalker was lying unconscious on the floor or that my wolves were waiting outside.
“What was that?” she asked after pulling away from the kiss, running her hands down my body as if to reassure herself that I wasn’t going anywhere.
“That was the mating bond cementing between us.” I threaded my fingers through her hair. “You and I are irrevocably intertwined with one another. I was going to talk to you about it when I came back, but nature beat us to it. Still, I want to give you the choice and ask you properly.
“Olivia Michaels, will you be my Alpha female and walk this arduous path of life with me. I have never loved another as I love you, and I would give life and limb to keep that beautiful smile from ever vanishing. I’ll even stomach as much Hawaiian pizza as you ask me to.
“I know that I come carrying a lot of extra baggage—” There was a chorus of disgruntled growls from outside, making us both laugh. “Fine, they’re not baggage, they’re family. But the point is, I can’t picture leading the pack with any other woman by my side. I love you, Oliva, my mate, my everything.”
“I love you too,” she said without hesitation. “And there’s no place else that I’d rather be than here with you. I swear to make you and the pack proud as your Alpha female,” she declared through her tears and the bond pulsed with a warm surge of love as a chorus of happy howls filled the evening air outside.