“A long time ago, Savannah Grace won a songwriting contest and Boundless Hearts recorded the song ‘Heal Me’. That song gained them their first platinum record. Today, we have three or the original four here to play it for you.” She waves me up to the stage. “C’mon, Ian.”
It feels surreal as I cross the room and step on the stage, and I sweep a look over the room. There’s electricity in the air; a collective anticipation of what will happen next.
Skylar steps off the stage. Savi follows but stops.
“Are you okay?” She asks.
I shake my head as I pick up the guitar. “Baby. I can’t believe you pulled all of this off.”
She shrugs it off. “It was just a few phone calls,” she says as she looks up at me with those big blue eyes that sparkle like sapphires. She’s never looked more beautiful to me. Her long, blonde hair cascades down her back in soft waves. Her sweet expression adds to her delicate features giving her a radiant glow. I lean down to give her a tender kiss. “You’re an amazing woman.”
“And you’re a wonderful man.” She tips her head toward Charlie and Tom who are up on the stage and ready to perform. “Have fun.”
I roll my shoulders, releasing the tension that collected there. Mic cords and speaker cables run around the stage. It all takes me back.
I don’t think I’ve stepped on Mad Dog’s stage since I’ve been here. I adjust the mic and stand so it’s just the right height and angle. Taking a breath, I look out at the faces of the people.
“Savannah wrote ‘Heal Me’, but she didn’t intend for it to be played the way we recorded it. I look to Charlie and Tom. “I’d like to do it her way, guys. Follow me, okay?”
Near the back of the room, Savi sits at a table with Sam, Cora, Gigi, and Marcus. Her eyes are fixed on me, and I’m overcome with a sudden wave of emotion.
“Baby, come up here and sing this with me.”
She nods, smiling, and kisses Gigi, then passes her to Cora before coming up to the stage.
“You know, I’m a lucky bastard,” I say into the mic. “I got a second chance—you all know the story. I’m not sure I deserve it, but I’ll take it.” I point and look up. “This one’s for you, brother.”
I clear my throat of emotion and begin to play the intro. I’ve sung these words a hundred times, but I finally get the message. I feel the words the way Savannah meant them, only this time instead of falling off my lips, they’re coming from deep down inside.
They say making mistakes is a part of life
And I say that’s good livin’
Sin’ll stain your mortal soul
And some things ain’t forgiven …
She picks up the second part and I feel the heart and soul of the song. It’s like I got a new life, and it feels damn good to be here.
My two girls.
I look over at Savi and Gigi—my Gigi. The part of my soul that’ll live long after my physical body ceases to exist even though, at one time, I thought it would be in the best interest of humanity that my bloodline end with me.
Not when I look at her.
She’s perfect.
“It’s going to be a gorgeous night.” I look over at the woman by my side. The sky behind her is ablaze with swatches of orange, pink, and purple, promising a beautiful sunset. She holds my hand as we walk to the barn, admiring the flowers.
“I see you planted bleeding hearts. They’re one of my favorites but I’m not sure they’ll make it out here. It’s too hot.”
“They will. I’ll find a way.”
She bumps against my side and looks at me, wrinkling her nose, as I pull her close and Gigi runs to the corral. I let the rescue horse roam while the three of us had supper. She’s getting used to the place. Just like Savi and Gigi.