Page 78 of Bone Dust

“I've got to get back." He tips his head toward the mine. "You go. We got this." His voice is comforting, like warm honey.

Sam nods to the man, the lines around his eyes soft. “Send anyone asking questions to me. I’ll take care of it.”

The man, Jameson, nods. “It’s good to see you.”

Sam presses his lips together and nods. Jameson looks over at me. “Keep the jacket on her, ma’am. I’ll collect it sometime.”

Is he friend? Is he foe? Should I be grateful or afraid? I don’t have time to think about it.

“What’s going to happen to them?” I ask, my voice hoarse.

“I don’t know, and I don’t care.” I can feel the anger radiating from his body. “Whatever happens to them, they deserve worse.” He keeps me close, the embrace offering security and protection as he tightens his arm around me. “C’mon. Let’s go home.”



Three months later …

Jeri takes the microphone. The stage lights bathe her in a warm glow. “I want to thank you all for coming out tonight. Mad Dog Run is celebrating its fifth birthday and all of us want to recognize Sam Weston for being a Rock Hills trailblazer!” She pauses as applause erupts from the crowd. “We have some special guests tonight. First, some of you might recognize Ian Stanton standing over there by Sam, but did you know it’s the same Ian Stanton from Boundless Hearts?”

As the audience turns to look at me, I promise myself that, whatever this is, I’m going to get Jeri back. I wave and speak to Sam out of the side of my mouth. “What the hell’s she up to?”

“Not sure.”

I can tell by the humor in his tone he’s lying.

“As a surprise to Ian, I’d like to introduce Mr. Charlie Paul and Mr. Tommy Henry also of Boundless Hearts. Surprise, Ian!”

Shock ripples through me as Charlie and Tom pass me by.

“Hey, Ian.” Charlie slaps me on the shoulder.

“Lookin’ good, asshole.” Tom punches my arm.

Neither linger long enough for me to ask questions, and they cut through the crowd bumping fists and slapping hands. I’m stunned to see them and, yet here they are. I can’t help but smile that they’re here. Charlie takes the microphone and exchanges a look with Jeri that makes her blush.

I’ve never seen Jeri blush.

“Ian, that woman of yours got us here. We’re glad to see you, brother.” Emotion chokes me as Savannah joins them on the stage.

“Thanks, Charlie.” The crowd goes wild seeing Savannah. She hasn’t performed since that night in Discord Flatts. Instead, she’s spent most of her time with Gigi, doing her best to rebuild her sense of security. For my part, I hired security. It was necessary after the local press discovered I was in town. Savannah and Gigi have spent more time at the ranch and Gigi understands that Marcus now lives at the ranch to keep us all safe. Most nights she sleeps between Savannah and me, and I find myself watching them both as they sleep. I ask myself “How did I get so lucky?” every single day.

Savannah quiets the audience down. “I know you’re wondering what all of this is about, Ian but, as much as it looks like we’re playing hot potato with this microphone, I’m going to pass it to one more person; Skylar Barrows.”

Skylar stops on her way to the stage. “I love you, Ian.” She hugs me around the neck as I stand flabbergasted. “It’s good to see you.”

Speechless, I watch as she joins Savi onstage. The two men move back as the two women embrace. Savi hands Sky the microphone and the applause of the crowd simmers down.

Skylar, ever the epitome of serenity and grace, looks over the room full of people.

“It’s been a while, hasn’t it?” She smiles as the audience chuckles. “I believe each time we evoke the name of someone who’s passed on, it lets them live again. Dash was a man who loved life and he truly loved the guys in the band. They’d been together since they were kids, and he believed music was the common ground on which everyone walked. I share that sentiment. With Sam Weston’s help, and without Ian’s notice, I’ve learned much about Rock Hills. Over the past few weeks, Sam’s shared its history and the vision for future expansion. Today, it’s my honor to announce the formation of The Barrows Foundation for the Arts.”

The room fills with applause once again. Skylar patiently waits for quiet before she continues.

“The Barrows Foundation is a three-fold venture. It will provide grant money to entrepreneurs who desire to repurpose buildings for music venues, and stipends for those using their talents in music and architecture. To finish off this trio we’ll build a music venue where national acts will perform while on tour and, with your help, Dash’s memory will live on.”

Everyone in the room is now standing, and hoots and hollers ring out.