Page 104 of Devil May Lie

“If you wanted fair, you should have chosen to date one of your own instead of one of mine.”

Madden dropped to the ground and swung his leg out, sweeping it toward Baikal’s shins. The other guy jumped out of the way, but having anticipated that, Madden kicked out with his other, landing a blow to Baikal’s gut that sent him flying back a couple of feet.

“Correction, actually, he’s mine. He works for you. He’s loyal to you. But don’t overstep here, Dominus.” Berga was going to be livid when he found out about this, but Madden couldn’t hold himself back any longer, the words pouring out of him gruffly.

“Even if the elders disapprove?” Baikal said.

He snorted. “We both know you’re clever enough to come up a way with a way to control them.”

“Why should I though? Why should I overexert myself just to make sure your love story has a happy ending?” Without waiting for a response, Baikal zipped back into action, punching Madden’s side hard enough that his legs almost went out from under him.

“Because,” he sucked in a breath and retreated, “you’re friends.”

“Are we?”

“You care about him,” Madden insisted. “Otherwise you would have ordered him to break up with me last week when the two of you spoke about it. Admit it, you know I’m good for him, and what’s good for the Butcher is good for the Brumal.”

“Well put,” Kelevra’s voice echoed from the side of the ring, and they both turned to find they had drawn a decent sized audience. “We all want the Brumal to thrive,” he said it casually, but the look he set on Baikal was weighted.

It’d be wise to take advantage of his distraction, but Madden smartly waited, sensing things could potentially shift his way. Were the two of them coming up with some silent sort of agreement? Could he even hope for something like that?

“A body was brought in a bit ago,” Baikal stated suddenly. “One of ours. He was shot in the back of the head, and we’ve recently discovered this person’s identity.” He tore his gaze off Kelevra and settled it back on Madden. “You’re involved as well.”

He frowned and straightened. “How so?”

“Madden wouldn’t attack the Brumal,” Kel clicked his tongue, clearly finding the accusation absurd.

“I didn’t say he had,” Baikal corrected.

“Then how does it involve me?” Madden pursed his lips and considered. Nothing all that exciting had happened the past couple of months unless of course… “You’re not saying Grimes and Fraunz are behind it, are you?” That didn’t make sense. “They were hitting me up for coin, it wasn’t that serious.”

“And how do you think they knew to go to you in the first place?” Baikal quirked a brow. “It’s not exactly customary for a man to share his other debts with his loan shark.”

That was true. Madden hadn’t really questioned how they’d known about Eric’s spending, figuring he’d either blabbed or they’d done their research. He’d owed Madden money, so it wasn’t like he was expecting a paycheck he could turn around and give to Grimes and Fraunz to pay off his balance.

“They were put up to it,” Baikal continued, seeing that he had Madden’s full attention.

“Why? I’ve never done anything to piss off the Brumal.” His frown deepened. “Whoever this Brumal solider was, I didn’t know him. If one of my friends had passed, I would have been notified, even if you tried to keep his death on the down low.”

“We didn’t,” Baikal said. “And no, I don’t think you knew him.”

“Why would they attack the boathouse then?” Kelevra asked, as lost as Madden was.

“That’s simple.”

“Shit!” Flix swore from where he stood a few feet away on the opposite side of the ring. “It’s Berga. The target is Berga. Why didn’t you tell me this when I got here?”

Baikal shrugged. “The Butcher can take care of himself.”

Madden rushed forward, grabbing Baikal by the collar of his shirt. He ignored the protests thrown his way from various audience members, too focused on the tightness in his gut. “What are you talking about? Who is after Berga?”

“An Academy cadet.” He didn’t struggle or try to free himself from Madden’s hold. “His name is Ives. Ring any bells?”


“Yes,” Kelevra said at the same time that Madden spoke. “He’s in the same class as Rin.”

“Don’t tell me…” Flix shook his head. “This isn’t because of what took place when we were kids, is it?”