Baikal shrugged. “Yuze is still looking into things. As of now, the motive is still unknown. But you,” he grabbed onto Madden’s wrist tightly, “should probably get going. My last communication with Yuze said he’d lost track of Ives. While it’s doubtful he’d be stupid enough to attack Berga head on, there’s always the chance—”
The Butcher was in danger.
Madden didn’t need to hear more. He tossed the Dominus aside and practically sprang from the ring, already trying to recall where Berga was supposed to be at this hour.
Chapter 26:
Berga knocked on the professor's door before entering, pausing when he spotted Sila Varun standing behind the professor’s desk and the room otherwise empty. “Where is Professor Delmar?”
The two of them had agreed to lunch off campus today, mostly because Bay had been interested in learning how Berga was doing. Oddly, he’d been looking forward to the discussion, happy to share that his condition had vastly improved ever since he’d made the conscious decision to be with Madden.
Dating, it seemed, was weirdly good for him. It was nice knowing there was someone there he could always rely on. The fact it was someone outside of the Brumal actually made it better even, something he hadn’t predicted.
Perhaps he should be more nervous about how content he was dating the Mad King, Flix’s warnings always on the outskirts of his mind, but…He wasn’t. For the first time in a long time, Bega didn’t feel trapped by his past or anxious over his future. He was living in the present, and that alone had a million weights seemingly lifting off his shoulders.
“Out.” Sila didn’t glance up from the tablet he was scrolling through as though he’d already suspected who’d just walked in. He'd be in trouble if it’d been anyone other than Berga. Students weren’t allowed to snoop through their teacher's things, and it was so obvious the device he was currently holding belonged to Bay that it was almost eye-roll-worthy.
“I had a scheduled meeting with him.” Berga checked the time on his multi-slate. He was only two minutes early.
“He’s aware.”
“I’ll wait then.”
“You do that.”
Despite the fact he was dating Berga’s friend, the two of them hadn’t spent much time together, not to mention time alone. He tipped his head and inspected the younger man, but since it was just the two of them, Sila wasn’t putting on the mask he donned for the outside world.
“How are you doing?” Berga asked, stilling when Sila chuckled.
“Sorry, it’s just,” he set the device down, “small talk? Really?”
“Should we stand here in silence then?”
“I’m sure we can find something to discuss,” Sila said. “Some shared interest.”
“If you want to talk about Bay, there’s no need to beat around the bush.”
Sila smirked at him. “Why? Do you want to talk about your boyfriend, Butcher?”
“With you?” He shook his head. “Not especially.”
“Ouch. That kind of hurts my feelings.”
“Don’t lie.”
“Why not?” Sila rested his hands on the desk and leaned forward as though conspiratorially. “Oh, is that particular skill reserved for you?”
“I don’t lie.”
“Twisting the truth is a form of dishonesty,” he stated.
“Is it?” On some level, Berga obviously knew that. “I’m a rather upfront person.”
“That’s the thing about people who are seemingly always honest though,” Sila said. “It makes telling a lie every now and again that much easier for them to get away with.”
“There is a point to this discussion, I imagine?” Because if not, Berga had better things to do.
Sila rounded the desk and perched on the edge, crossing his arms. “Relax, your secret is safe with me.”