“I know you well, little brother.” She rested on the plush leather couch, bringing the bowl of fruit with her this time. “Actually, that’s why I’m here. You missed family dinner this past Sunday. After the stunt you pulled with the gala, I thought for sure you’d come home to grovel, but no. What were you thinking? All you’ve done was make them angrier.”
“Our parents will get over it.”
“Will they?”
“What other choice do they have?” Madden said. “It’s not like they can magically start relying on you.”
Her eyes narrowed and she tossed one of the go-gos at him, the fruit pinging against the center of his chest. “I’m just as talented as you are.”
“Sure, in the nursing field.” Which Madden knew very little to nothing about. It also wasn’t a job he’d ever had any interest in. “As far as everything else goes…” He laughed and caught the next go-go tossed his way, popping it into his mouth and giving it a pointed crunch that had them both snickering.
“Well, let’s hear it. What could possibly keep my perfect little brother from the traditional family dinners? You haven’t missed a single one our entire lives. Remember when you came down with the flu and still insisted on attending? So, where were you?”
Fucking Berga.
“There are rumors, you know,” this time when she took another fruit, she refused to meet his gaze, “about you and the Butcher.”
“See him from time to time,” a new voice stated, and they both turned to find Berga strolling in through the back door. He slipped out of his lab coat, folded it over an arm, and carefully placed it on one of the stools by the bar. His movements were meticulous but also pointed as he moved toward the mini fridge and grabbed a can of beer for himself.
“Been here often, huh?” Rebecca drawled, eyeing Berga down with a mixture of curiosity and caution.
“Once or twice.” Berga sipped lightly at his drink but left it at that.
“I’m curious if it’s what I told Yuze to say at the gala, or what you told those idiots the night they attacked that’s caused the news to spread like wildfire,” Madden said.
“So, for the record, you’re not so bluntly pointing out that since I made a public statement first, it’s most likely my fault we’re the topic of gossip throughout the city?”
“Are you denying it?”
The Butcher considered and then decided on, “No.”
Rebecca let out a low whistle. “Hey, guys, I’m still here, remember?”
“Would you like another drink?” Berga offered, holding up the can he was sipping from to indicate he’d grab her a beer from the fridge.
“Don’t drink anything he hands you,” Madden warned, only partially joking. He eyed Berga down warningly. A dark, disgusting part of him couldn’t help but wonder if Berga would have chosen differently that night if Rebecca had been present.
Would he have asked her to fuck him instead and kicked Madden aside?
Would the two of them now be exploring a possible relationship together?
Was he seriously getting jealous over his own moronic sister?
“Relax,” Berga took a can from the mini fridge and brought it over anyway, setting it down in front of her. “I’m not going to drug her drink.”
“Thanks.” Rebecca ate another piece of fruit and reached for the can.
“I drugged the berries.”
She coughed and spit it out in her palm immediately, and Madden stood unsure of what to do.
“Good Light.” Berga laughed. And laughed.
And laughed some more.
“You Odells are so gullible. I wasn’t even here when you served the fruit, and I haven’t been anywhere near the bowl. How could I possibly have done something to it?”