Page 91 of Devil May Lie

“That is so not funny!” Rebecca said, but she was smiling now and gave a sigh of relief. “I didn’t know you could tease people.”

“I’m not very good at it,” Berga replied. “More often than not, it comes off threatening.”

“Yeah, to be honest, you’re absolutely terrifying. It’s nice knowing you have a cute side too.”

“I’m happy you think so.” The Butcher smiled at her a little broadly.

Madden didn’t feel the same way. He was used to watching the other man fumble to make connections with others, but here the two of them were, their repertoire instantly clicking with ease.

He didn’t like. Didn’t like the idea of someone else getting along so well with the Butcher. Especially considering the circumstances.

“Do you want to fuck my sister?”

Berga blinked at him. “What?”

“Do you want to have sex with—Ow!” One of the couch pillows slapped him across the cheek and plopped to the floor at his feet with a thud. He glared at Rebecca. “What the hell?!”

“Quit asking shitty questions,” she stated, rolling her eyes before turning to Berga. “Forgive my idiot brother, he’s supposed to be the family genius, but he can be seriously dense sometimes, you know?”

“Oh,” the corners of Berga’s mouth quirked upward, “I know.”

“Anyway,” she stood with a flourish and set the bowl down on the table, snatching up the beer, “since you now need to ream him out for sharing your secret relationship, I’ll get going. Make sure you don’t miss the next family dinner or mom and dad will kill you, little brother.”

“Fuck off,” Madden grumbled, still a bit sour that she’d made him seem like a kid fighting with his sibling by tossing that pillow. The Butcher seemed to care about stuff like that, about not coming off childish.

She stuck out her tongue at him and then winked at Berga before humming as she practically skipped to the back exit where the Butcher had just come from.

“I’m pretty much interested in men, just to be clear,” Berga stated. “And no, I don’t want to have sex with Rebecca. What an odd thing to worry about.”

“It’s just, you seemed to like her just now.”

“Yes, because she’s your family and I want to get along. How many people exactly,” Berga drawled, drawing Madden’s attention off his traitorous sister and back his way, “did you tell about us?”


“Don’t baby me.”

“Butcher,” he corrected. “It’s not like that. Some people found out when I sent Yuze in my place to an event. You were unconscious at the time and I didn’t want to leave you alone, that’s all.”

“If that were all, they wouldn’t have had to know the reason for your absence.”

“So I made sure they were made aware.” He shrugged. “It’s not a big deal. Kelevra doesn’t care about our relationship anyway. My parents…Honestly, I have no idea how they feel because, as you’ve heard, I skipped out on family dinner. It doesn’t matter what they think anyway. They aren’t important.” They couldn’t technically control Madden, in any case. Not when he was the best friend of the Imperial Prince.

Berga rubbed at his temple. “Baikal Void will not feel the same way as Kelevra Diar. I made a mistake that night when I warned people away from you.”

“How can you be so sure?” His mood instantly soured, but he kept his composure.

“Because I am. Flix says—”

He snorted. “Flix again.”

“This is serious.”

“So am I. All you ever do is talk about Flix.”

“Sure, but all I ever fuck is you, so,” he mimicked the shrug Madden had only just given. “It’s too late to deny it now. I’ll have to do damage control.”

“Don’t worry. I’m sure it’s made its way throughout the entire Brumal by now, and look? You haven’t been summoned and scolded so—Hey! Where are you going?” Madden shot forward and grabbed onto his arm when Berga meant to leave.