By the time I get to the kitchen, Jocelyn has already made coffee, and Nikki is toasting bagels.
"Ha – for once we beat you down to breakfast," Nikki laughs, sliding a freshly buttered bagel in front of me as I sit down.
"Anything new to report?" I ask, reaching for the coffee on the counter behind me. They share a look, and I know something is up.
Jocelyn sits down beside me. "We slept on it before deciding to tell you. But you might as well know, because it should probably go in our notes."
"What is it?"
Nikki sits down as well. "Yesterday afternoon, I was coming back from the restroom in the diner. I was around the corner, so nobody could see me. There were two older men at the counter, talking about Griffin and his new girl."
I’m already gnawing on my left ring finger cuticle. "And?"
"The gist of it was that you'd never be content to rough it out here in the mountains. That you're too delicate. That Griffin shouldn't get too used to having you around." She hesitates. "Then the other guy said you probably wouldn't want to be saddled with Griffin's last name and would never enjoy the unglamorous life of being married to an auto mechanic. You know, since you're a fancy city girl and all."
What the… I've never once thought of myself as fancy. Inhaling deeply, I place my left hand on the table so I'll stop nibbling away. "Was it said in a joking tone, or a serious one?"
"It was what we describe as light friendly banter."
"Is this going to change your mind about Griffin at all?" Jocelyn asks. "I know that you're really falling for him."
"Yes, I am. I just…have a lot of questions."
The problem is, I have just as many questions for myself as for Griffin. Am I categorically not suited to spending winter in the mountains? Am I really the kind of girl who wants to work from home full-time?
After breakfast, I hide out in my bedroom for a while with my notebooks, making a pro-con list. Usually any kind of list or chart relaxes me, but for the first time, my lists aren't working.
Any potential roadblocks to me staying with Griffin and building a life together are easy point-form notes. My career. The savage weather. The unknown. My fear of change. Griffin not realizing what a nerd I really am.
But the reasons to stay are impossible to put into words. The comfort I find in his arms. How good he makes me feel about myself. The way I feel about him.
The way his deep voice transports me to another dimension.
I gasp audibly when I realize I'm doodling hearts at the side of the page. I think I'm already in love with Griffin. But there aren't words for it, and I don't know how to ask him all the endless questions that are swirling around my mind.
Old Hemlock Valley is extra sleepy on Sunday afternoons, which makes it even easier for me to spot Harper's car parked in front of Fran's Diner. Nikki was on the bench by the library, even though it's closed today, and I'm pretty sure I saw Jocelyn in the window of Corina's Coffee. I guess these girls are so dedicated they don't even take weekends off –though to be fair they're only working on this project for a short time. I guess every single day counts.
I had thought I would know what I would say by the time I walked into Fran's, but as it happens, my mind is a static buzz. I woke up in a panic, realizing that Harper had to make her decision in about twenty-four hours, and my mind still hasn't cleared.
Her head jerks up as she sees me striding toward her. I nod to Myrna for a coffee and indicate another for Harper as well as I slide into her booth. "I'm sorry to interrupt your work."
"That's okay." Her gentle smile is so pure that it lights up my entire soul. Then my eyes fall to a notepad beside her with a detailed list just as she's flipping it over so I can't read it.
"Secrets about me?" I ask as two coffee mugs are slid in front of us.
"Hungry, Griff?" Myrna asks.
"Not sure yet. I'll wave if I am. "
"Take your time, sugar."
As soon as she's gone, Harper looks guiltily at the notepad. "Making lists helps me think."
"That's fair. You want to have all the information for your big decision tomorrow morning."