I’ve never been the kind of guy who is chained to his phone. I completely forget about it most of the time, except when it rings to tell me to come tow somebody.
Now I'm cleaning the coffee pot and kitchen area of the auto shop as an excuse to keep my hands clean enough to use my phone, and I almost used a winking smile emoticon in my last text. Who the hell am I becoming?
My brothers are already teasing me about how much I've changed, now that I'm "chained down." Of course they have no idea this is something I've actually been dreaming of forever.
Then one of our regular customers elbowed me in the ribs this morning and congratulated me on my "little summer fling" with "one of those student girls."
I didn't know what to say to him. Harper and I haven't really discussed anything long-term. I've been hinting like crazy, but it's way too soon to straight up ask her about our future together. She's a bit guarded about some things. If only she knew how much I want to know every single detail about the incredible woman I'm falling hard for.
The split second my phone beeps and I see it's her, I'm already grinning like a fool.
Harper: Apparently, Gus can predict the weather within believable accuracy. I haven't seen any data on his people-reading skills yet.
Well, you've converted me already. I'm paying way more attention to bits and pieces of conversation I hear around the shop.
Harper: Just remember our rule – if people lean in and lower their voices, try not to listen.
Well, with guys, we never talk about anything personal in public spaces. But I'm not going to share the kind of chatter that goes on in an auto shop. Some of it's not appropriate for young ladies.
Harper: LOL. Yes, probably not the kind of stuff I can put in our reports about how news travels.
Speaking of news, are you busy tonight?
Those stupid three dots float on my phone for what seems like forever.
Harper: I should catch up on work tonight. We'll need to plan for next week. Sorry.
Don't be. I understand, work comes first. I'll keep you posted on anything interesting I hear.
Harper: Thank you. It's great to have an extra set of ears in different places.
Have a fantastic night, gorgeous.
Harper: ??
See, when she uses an emoticon, it's adorable.
I'm a goner.
Imiss him.
His seductive whispers. The feeling of his arms around me. The way he looks into my eyes so deeply. The way my body lights up everywhere he touches me. I actually ache to feel him his touch again, which is downright…weird.
The second I woke up this morning, I could feel it in my bones. Just a few days away from Griffin, and I feel off-kilter. How can I be this different after just one week in a small town?
My goal was to do an amazing job on this project, call to secure that fabulous apartment in Kingsville, and then decide my direction this fall.
And now…
I check my phone to see a photo of purple and white wildflowers from a man who already seems…what, exactly? Smitten? Obsessed? It's hard to tell.
I guess I shouldn't make any decisions until we spend more time together.