They stood there for a long moment, watching Harley and his new friends as the early-morning sun bathed the island in a pink glow.
What on earth is happening here?”
Kendra turned to see Olivia standing behind her on the beach, reacting in horror at Harley, who was howling like a coyote near the seals. “What have you done to my dog, Kendra?”
“Not guilty,” Kendra said firmly as she gave Olivia a warm hug. “It’s all his own fault. I’ve tried to talk him out of it, but he’s not having it. We’re sure he thinks he’s a seal, or maybe he’s just appointed himself as chief seal protector of the beach. He got very upset when Krebb’s men were disturbing the seals on that island when they were attacking.”
“He’s always been extremely protective,” Olivia said.
“I know, but this takes it to a whole new level. We’re not sure what triggered it, but we’re hoping he’ll get over it quickly.”
“It’ll be okay,” Olivia said. “It’s actually kind of sweet.” Harley gave another howl as he saw and recognized Olivia on the beach with them. “I’m sure it’s going to be okay.”
Kendra nodded. “I am, too. Lynch is at the hotel teleconferencing with a security panel about what happened on the island last week. He promised me he’d be back to take care of Harley as soon as he could possibly arrange it. Though I don’t know how he intends to—” She stopped short, staring at Olivia. “Lynch asked you to come and help me,” she said. “Of course he did. You’re the only one besides him that Harley pays any attention to. He realizes that you have the magic touch.” She shook her head. “Lord, I’m sorry he dragged you out here. It’s not as if I can’t take care of Harley. We all love him, and I wrote and told you how he went after those slimy crooks and saved the day. He was magnificent.”
“I’m glad you appreciate him.” Olivia grinned. “It reinforces my judgment in bringing him to watch over you when Lynch wasn’t doing what I wanted about your protection. But from what you told me, he wasn’t too impossible once he arrived on the island.”
“You might say that.”
“I know you’ve had your issues with Griffin in the past, but you said he was very impressed with Lynch and how he dealt with things.”
“Just your usual Lynch heroics.” She made a face. “You know he can’t resist.”
“Then I suppose I’ll have to forgive him for bringing me here to this fantastically beautiful place and trying to save my dog from your mismanagement.”
“If you’re inclined to do that, feel free.” Kendra went back into Olivia’s arms and whispered, “I’m so glad to see my best friend that I’ll forgive anything. Thank you for every minute you’ve spent trying to help us during this nightmare, and I’ll go back to the drawing board and make sure that I understand all the intricacies of Harley’s delicate bonding with those seals. Then we’ll go introduce you to the Morgan sisters before we arrange your transport back to the condo.”
“You’re setting up a complete day for me.” Olivia’s tone was teasing. “Did it occur to you I might be busy? I meant only to pick up Harley from the island and then go back home.”
“I’m sorry.” Kendra frowned. “I know how busy you are. Am I being pushy?”
“No, I guess not. Tomorrow is another day.” Her smile faded. “But I wanted to tell you that you might have custody of Harley for a couple weeks beginning next month, if that’s okay with you.”
“Sure. Why? What are you going to do?”
“I have a few medical eye tests in Switzerland to take.” Her tone was ultra-casual. “There’s a report that there’s been a breakthrough at the clinic in Geneva that might be of interest to me.”
“Wonderful,” Kendra said. “Promising?”
“I have no idea. I hope so. You know that I’ve been tested before and it’s come to nothing. But I’m always hopeful. Miracles do happen.” She smiled. “I have a friend who told me that a long time ago.”
“Because she wants it so badly for you.” She reached out and tightly grasped Olivia’s hand. “Is there anything else I can do?”
“Not right now. I know you’ll be there for me whenever I need you.” She turned back toward Harley. “But right now it’s that howling hound who needs me. Let’s go get him and take him back to the camp to distract him.”
Kendra sighed. “I tried that.”
“You have to keep on trying.” Olivia was putting the leash on Harley and Kendra noticed with frustration the blasted dog was sitting still, ignoring the seals, and rubbing against her. “Repetition is the key,” Olivia said. “Every day. Every way. If it’s worth it to you and him, don’t stop.” She patted Harley as he jumped up and followed her down the beach. She looked back at Kendra. “By the way, that applies to other skills and desires as well.”
“I figured it did. You’d never leave me in the lurch like that.”
“Absolutely not. Did I tell you how grateful I was that Lynch arranged this little vacation for me in this wonderful place?”