Page 109 of Flashback

“I believe it was mentioned.”

“Just checking… Come, Harley.” She stopped again. “When are you going to talk to Lynch again?”

“I have no idea,” Kendra said. “We’ve been talking ever since we left home. We seem to have no problem with conversation. Why?”

“Just wondering. Perhaps you need a more in-depth discussion with him.” She was breaking into a run with Harley at her heels. “After all, he’s very interesting. I’ve always liked him, you know. I’ll see you back at the camp.”

Kendra shook her head as she watched her run toward the campfire in the distance. Olivia’s visit had been as complicated as usual, but not nearly as complicated as Kendra’s feelings toward Lynch. Which, of course, Olivia had perceived even before Kendra herself.

Lynch. She had been trying to avoid thinking about him, but it was suddenly there before her. No time to think or plan or even have a little time to consider what she wanted to do or say to Lynch. Olivia might have even wanted that confusion to be present until she could have time to talk to her and influence her in the way she wanted her to go.

A magician, indeed…

All Kendra had left to do was to avoid Lynch for the evening, but that shouldn’t be difficult. Just stay out of his way. Because of his background, everyone always wanted to talk to him or ask him questions. He was the golden boy of every organization or meeting connected with this attack. He’d already had trouble getting away from Griffin and those White House special advisors.

Yes, all Kendra had to do was avoid the golden boy until it was time to slip away and go to bed. After that she could arrange for a ride back to Avalon with one of the FBI agents on duty… She’d seen Metcalf earlier today before she’d been assigned seal duty. He was always helpful when she needed something. Plenty of time to think and plan when she was back at Avalon…

“No problem at all,” Metcalf told her with a broad grin. “But I don’t know why you’d want to go back to Avalon when you could spend the night in the encampment. It’s fantastic here.” His gaze went to where Griffin was having coffee by the fire with several of his agents. “Not only that but it’s where the action is. It’s not often that lowly agents get to hobnob with officers like Griffin.”

“I didn’t think of that.” She shook her head. “Naturally you’d prefer to stay here and make smart career moves up the ladder. Forget I asked. I’ll find another way to get there.”

“No, you won’t. We wouldn’t even be here if you hadn’t called us and brought us to the island. I’ll be glad to take you. We can have a drink or two and then I’ll come back.”

“Thank Lynch. It was his idea.” She shook her head. “And no drinks. The reason I have to get back is that I’ve been away from my students too long as it is. You’re not the only one who has to worry about climbing that career ladder.” She patted his cheek affectionately. “But thanks for the offer. It was very kind of you.”

“There you are, Metcalf.” Lynch was suddenly beside them. He clapped Metcalf on the shoulder. “I’ve been looking all over the camp for you. Griffin has been bragging about you and your team to some of his buddies, and they want to meet you. It shouldn’t take too long. But you don’t want to offend him.”

“No, of course not.” He gazed anxiously at Kendra.


He waved and started to trot toward the fire. She turned back to Lynch. “You’re suddenly being very caring about Griffin’s feelings,” she said caustically. “Particularly since you’ve been practically running his department and squeezing him dry of information lately.”

“You’re exaggerating.” He dropped down outside her tent and crossed his legs. “But Griffin does owe me and so he’ll welcome Metcalf with open arms because I let him use me.” He leaned back against the post and gazed at her. “Though I do admit I’ve been floating around the camp and might have heard you talking to Metcalf.”


“Well. I made a point of it when I saw how you were trying to avoid me. I figured it would save both of us time if I knew what was going on.”

“You didn’t talk to Olivia?” she asked suspiciously.

He shook his head. “Not after I threw myself on her mercy to get her to come here. My pride will only permit so much.”

She made a rude sound.

He threw back his head and laughed. “It’s true. You’re the only one with whom I don’t give a damn about pride. By the way, that kiss you gave Metcalf was very anemic. It made me feel terrific.”

“It wasn’t meant to have any effect on you at all.”

“Then why were you going to run away with him and leave me in the lurch? That could have been very hurtful, if I didn’t know you. But I realize you have problems and you have to work things out for yourself.”

“Hurtful? With an ego like yours?”

“There you go again. Ego is necessary in certain situations. But I’m tired of this conversation.” He got to his feet and pulled her up beside him. “Let’s go for a walk and tip our hats to the seals and then you can tell me what barriers you’re trying to put in the way of how we feel about each other. I could see it coming since we wrapped this search up and got the sisters back. You’ve been thinking too much and I haven’t had time to concentrate on showing you how good we are together. Not that you should have to be reminded. You’re very bright and you were amazing.”

“Am I supposed to say thank you?”

“No, you’re supposed to relax and let me have my way with you.” He tilted his head. “Though a sentence like that should be said by a man with a mustache and a leer and I don’t have either.”