“Are things good?”

Gabe is standing there, and I grin with a nod.

“Shit. He knew?”

I shrug and glance at Andrew.

“Someone needed to.”

Andrew mutters something under his breath and I grab my practice clothes.

That night, Delilah makes dinner, and we sit down with Lola to tell her she’s going to be a big sister. It’s something I vaguely imagined, though never with Kim. My daughter is young and sweet and seems excited about the idea of a baby brother or sister. She’ll have a birthday two months before the baby arrives, turning four and likely old enough to help. That will be great for Delilah since I’m still a hockey player, plus I suspect she’ll become friends with the other team wives now that we’ve spent time with Gabe and his family.

Kim wanted nothing to do with it. I wonder if she wanted any of it at all.




Iclose the door to the room that used to be mine after cleaning out my things that are now in Miles’s room. His closet is massive, so there’s plenty of room, especially since I’m not a shopaholic. That goes double for the bathroom, and I realize what it’s all about being with an NHL player.

Miles is in the living room with Lola as I walk in, and he grins at me.

“Ready for today? You should drink some more water.”

“I hate water.”

I take the bottle from him and sip it, knowing I need it for the ultrasound in an hour. We decide to bring Lola and everyone else is meeting us there; I’ve already demanded lunch when we finish.

“Did you find out Lola was a girl before she was born?‘

I look at Miles as he glances in the rearview mirror.

“We did. It was a great moment, but this will be, too. I’m with the woman I love. Lola being here is going to be so special.”

“You’re sweet.”

I lean back as we make the drive, rubbing my belly. There’s a bump there now, and I’ve stopped trying to hide it as much. It’s still winter, so I’m wearing more clothes, but Miles still loves to talk to the baby at night.

We arrive, and the family is waiting, apart from Dad or Andrew. They didn’t want to be there for the ultrasound and already are refusing to leave the waiting room during the birth. I breathe a sigh of relief at that, since it’s not a circus. I am going to have to keep everyone but Miles out of the room.

We file into the exam room, and I finish the water before resting on the table. I already have to pee and I groan as Miles holds my hand, and the technician gives me an apologetic smile.

There’s cold gel spread over my stomach and then the familiar feeling of the wand as I stare at the screen. The baby is bigger now and moving all over the place and she tells us everything looks great. The heartbeat is strong, and I watch as our baby moves in my stomach.

“Are we finding out what this baby is today?”


I respond with Miles, and we laugh as everyone chuckles with us. She continues and pauses at one spot, tilting her head before she smiles.

“It looks like you are going to have someone to teach your sport to, Miles. Congratulations.”

Everyone reacts with cheers and some tears, but I just stare at the screen. A boy. Miles leans in to kiss me, thanking me for completing his family as I feel everyone around me.

“I don’t know what to do with a boy. I’m used to Lola.”