“There are two boy moms here and we’ll help you along the way.”
My mom hugs me, and I smile as I return it. Now, the game is on, and we get to prepare for this little guy. Miles will want to set up a nursery in the room beside Lola and close to us, and the moms and aunts are going to spoil us rotten.
We go to an Italian place for lunch and plan everything together as I eat a plate of chicken parm and bread. Miles and Lola are sitting near me, and I look at them with a slow smile for a moment as he meets my eyes.
“This is perfect, Miles. I’m so happy.”
Andrew is fine with things, mostly. The important part is they are still deadly on the ice together and friends through it all. When the baby gets here, my brother will be in a puddle like I heard he was with Lola.
“It is.”
“I’m having a brother!”
Everyone laughs at Lola, who is thrilled with everything. She’s going to be an amazing big sister and I can’t wait to see them grow up together.
“Can we name him Olaf?”
This girl is obsessed with Frozen, and I close my eyes at the suggestion.
“We’ll talk about it, bug.”
Miles grins at me, and I roll my eyes playfully. He’d love to name the baby after one of the greats in hockey, but there are also grandparents we can honor. Nothing needs to be decided yet and I remind myself to enjoy all of this love and support.
We have a big party for Lola on her birthday at the house, and the family travels to attend. It’s a Frozen theme and there’s food and cake for days; some of the team come with their families. It’s like another family and I know I’m getting into something good here.
She gets too many gifts and I know I’ll have to sort them out, but Lola is happy playing with the kids. They go outside for a while, and I sit down with my mom on the couch. Miles insists on it, but at seven months pregnant, he won’t get an argument from me.
“How are you feeling?”
“Is the last trimester this uncomfortable for everyone?”
I rest my hands on my round stomach and lean back.
“Yes, it is, but you’re doing fantastic.”
“I have help. Linda arranged this party nearly on her own and we have help with Lola every week now. What am I doing?”
“It takes a village, Delilah. You have an amazing support group between family and the team. It’s wonderful.”
“It is, right? How did I get so lucky? Nobody could predict me ending up with Andrew’s best friend.”
“Least of all your brother, but he’s coming around. He’s going to be a good uncle.”
“My son is going to be on skates before he can walk. I’m surprised the theme of the nursery isn’t hockey or even sports of some kind.”
We decided on a calming forest theme to represent Colorado and it’s beautiful. I can’t wait to put him down in the crib the first time and see him react to the animal mobile and mural I hired someone to paint on the wall.
Well, that won’t happen all at once.
New Life