“Of course. You do so much for me around here when I’m gone. Get some rest.”


The kitchen is empty a moment later, and I realize Delilah must be exhausted. It’s no surprise, and I finish my coffee and join Lola.

She’s happy to see me and greets me with a hug before introducing me to the new doll that Brynn gave her.

Later that day, during Lola’s nap, I call the house to talk to everyone.

“Hey, Mom. I wanted to call while Lola was down.”

“Miles. It’s good to hear your voice. How are you?”

“I’m good. Got in last night and I’m just chilling here at home. Lola showed me the stuff that Brynn bought for her this morning.”

There’s an accusatory tone in my voice, but I can’t help but laugh. My family will always spoil Lola and there’s nothing I can do about it.

“I told her to take Lola shopping, so blame me. If it was me, there would be double the toys. Is she happy you’re home?”

“Yeah. Always. It‘s great just to have some downtime here after the time away. This trip seemed longer than normal.”

I also got a lecture from my captain about my performance on the ice, but it was a kind one and Mom will never know that.

“Those were some tough games. The talent of the teams is incredible, but you guys did your best. Is everything okay, Miles? You seemed distracted out there.”

Even Mom noticed. Great. She worries enough as it is.

“I think I’m just tired, Mom. It’s going to be a relaxing day for me.”

“Okay. Take care of yourself, even though I know it’s hard. You do so much.”

“We don’t have practice until tomorrow and the game the next day. I’m going to sleep and catch up and we’ll win here at home.”

“We’ll all be there to watch you. I had a great time having Lola the other night. It’s nice that Delilah asks us when she needs some help.”

“She wanted you to watch Lola?”

“Not necessarily for the night, but she asked Brynn if she could take Lola for an afternoon. Plans or something. It was me and your sister that schemed a sleepover.”

Delilah said it was their idea and didn’t mention asking them for help. What the hell is going on?

“I’m glad you are there for her. It has to be a lot, doing this alone when I’m gone.”

“Lola is never a problem, and you know that. Dinner tomorrow night?”

I agree, and we talk for longer before ending the call. Something is going on and I stand from the couch when I hear someone in the kitchen.

Delilah is in there getting water, yawning as she closes the fridge door.

“Good nap?”

She jumps and opens her eyes to look at me.

“Fantastic. Thank you.”

“I just talked to Mom, and she said you asked them to take Lola. Didn’t you say it was their idea?”

I can’t hold back after thinking about things most of the week.