“The sleepover was Brynn’s idea. I asked her to take Lola if she had time so I could meet up with Alli. Is that okay?”
She wants to sound strong, but I see tears in Delilah’s eyes.
“Of course. I just think something is going on with you, Delilah. What is it?”
“I have to tell you. It’s not like I can hide it.”
She closes her eyes and takes a deep breath as my heart pounds in my chest.
“I asked Brynn to take Lola because I… I have been feeling off lately. Alli called me out and made me take a pregnancy test and it was positive, Miles. I’m pregnant and it’s nothing I planned because I know that’s what women do to celebrities. I am so careful, and I don’t know how this happened.”
“You’re pregnant?”
My stomach drops as I realize the plan to keep Delilah a secret from Andrew and everybody else is over now. I would never walk away from a child of mine or ask a woman to end a pregnancy so it will be out there. I just can’t believe it.
“Yeah. It’s yours in case you’re wondering.”
“I’d never think you were sleeping with several men at once, Delilah. I knew when you said it, but I’m shocked.”
I pinch the bridge of my nose as emotions hit me hard. I’ll never forget learning about Lola and that was hard enough, but two kids?
“I need some time. Lola is napping, and she’ll be up in about an hour. Can you take her? I’m going for a walk.”
“Of course.”
Her voice is a whisper, and I glance at her before heading towards the back door. She’s pale and looks as shell shocked as I feel, but I keep going.
I can’t do this right now.
Iwatch Miles leave the house as my ears ring, clutching the counter to keep me standing. Why did I tell him that? The plan was to sit down and just talk it out so we could have the time to sort through it.
He asked me about coffee, and I almost lost my mind, running to take a nap at the first suggestion. I was tired, but I left the kitchen as fast as possible to get away from him. It was such a good sleep and something I needed, but reality came back quicker than I expected it to.
I have an hour or so before Lola wakes up. In that time, I need to calm the fuck down and figure this out, so I start by taking a long drink of my cold water. I cried all night when I found out about the baby and Alli didn’t leave my side. It felt like enough tears for a lifetime, but there is plenty more to come and I wipe one away now.
Andrew will want to kill the man that caused this before he finds out it’s Miles, but that might cause an explosion big enough to rock the world. My parents will accept it, but it might be hard after seeing me go for my dreams for so many years. I never let a man get in the way and it feels like I’ve failed myself right now. I already put my job in jeopardy, and Lola’s feelings, by getting involved with Miles, and now she’s going to have her entire life changed.
I’m not stupid and know Miles won’t walk away from this or leave me to deal with it alone. He adores Lola and as far as I know, he was all in with her from the beginning. Miles is a good man and he’ll support me and the baby, but we can’t hide the fact he’s the father. I don’t want to lie to my family and once the dust settles, things will be okay.
This is already hard with the scattered bouts of nausea. I’m still cooking for Lola, but I hate every second and barely manage bites myself. Alli keeps telling me the baby needs nourishment and I know that, but it’s too hard to eat.
When he gets over this, Miles is going to be worse. He’s going to monitor everything I do and I curse at the mere idea of it.
I need to move and distract myself, so I go into the living room to clean Lola’s corner, which spreads more by the week. Brynn bought her a bunch of stuff when she had her, and I am always picking up new things for Lola when they catch my eye.
I place the books on the new shelves I bought, carefully organizing them by the sizes even though it will be a mess again by tonight.
I am going to be a mom.