Delilah is incredible with Lola, and I can’t question that fact.

Maybe that’s part of the problem. Delilah is amazing, and the other night when we nearly kissed in the kitchen, I wanted it more than anything in the world. She’s beautiful, but beyond that, Delilah will stand up to me for my kid. She’s sassy and great for my daughter.

Getting involved with her isn’t a good idea for a few reasons. She’s Andrew’s sister for one and he’s like a mama bear with her, with the guys on the team or any other man. I’ve never doubted she could hold her own in any situation, but Andrew wants to put her in bubble wrap and protect her from the world.

My daughter adores her. Lola still asks for her mom sometimes but being so young, it’s difficult to explain other than telling her Mommy is in heaven. There are so few memories there and what she has will fade in time. Lola attached herself to my mom and sister quickly, but Delilah is something entirely different. They have formed a tight bond between them.

How could I take that away from Lola because I want to sleep with the nanny? That’s all it has to be because I don’t do relationships.

I can’t do relationships.

After endless hours of practice, I have a couple of days off before the first game. I want to spend them with Lola and one night Mom invites us over for dinner. I never turn that down and I grin when we walk inside, smelling something Italian.

“Is that my favorite lasagna?” I call as I walk to the kitchen carrying my daughter; she wiggles to get down.

“Gramma! Help me!”


I put her down and Lola runs into the kitchen as I sigh, shaking my head. When I walk in, Mom is spinning Lola around the room in a tight hug and a piece of my heart melts at the sight. My daughter is so lucky with my family. Kim lost her parents early in an accident and they’ll never know their granddaughter.

“Do you want lasagna?”

Mom grins as Lola squeals, though there’s no way of telling if it is from the spinning or the mention of food.

When my daughter is back on the ground, she’s off to the living room to play.

“Hi, honey. It’s good to see you after you’ve been so busy. How are you feeling?” Mom hugs me and I hold her tight for a long moment.

“I’m good. Sore. The practices have been great though and I think we’re in a good place for the season.” I grab water from the fridge and look around the room that holds so many memories. “Will you be at the first game?”

“We plan to. I asked Delilah to bring Lola if she’s up to it. We have those great seats so close that she’ll see you playing.”

Mom is smiling big, and I know what’s coming.

“She’s a great girl, Miles. So good with Lola and patient with bringing her over here when I ask. You couldn’t have a better nanny.”

“She does a good job. Lola is learning so much and her schedule works well, from what I’m told. The game might run late, so she’d get to bed later than normal. I’m not sure if that’s going to work.”

I shrug and then I check on Lola, who has dolls surrounding her.

“There are babies at the games, Miles. I bought some of those headphones for when it gets too loud, but Kim never took her to see you play. Lola might not wear them now, but it’s worth a try to bring her and see. I think she’ll love growing up watching her daddy play like so many of the kids seem to with the others.”

I remember Kim refused to bring the baby to a game, claiming it was too loud and violent for someone so young. My argument was that she had the headphones and Lola wouldn’t notice what happened on the ice, but she never gave in. She sure didn’t mind taking child support from me from playing a violent sport, and a generous amount at that.

“I’ll talk to her and see how she feels. I think Delilah is really into the schedule, but after a long day with that girl, I understand it. They can watch it on TV at home and introduce Lola to it slowly.”

Don’t I want my daughter at my games? Everyone has their families there supporting them and we even have a lot of family events as a team. It seemed like it would never happen with Kim in charge, but everything is different now.

“Miles.” I look at my mom as she brings me back to reality.


“Kim isn’t here anymore. It’s tragic that Lola lost her mom, but Kim never encouraged her to get into the sport. Thankfully, Lola won’t have any memories of her, and she seems so close to Delilah. It’s a good fresh start for both of you.” Mom touches my arm, and I nod to acknowledge her because I’m having trouble speaking.

“I don’t know how to walk away from Lola, even for hockey. She had her mom before and that comforted me despite our differences, but now I am it for her.”

“We all love Lola and we’re here for her. Delilah is like an angel that came into your life when you needed her and she’s wonderful for Lola.” Mom hugs me and I close my eyes.