Page 257 of A Dawn of Gods & Fury

“What is it?”

“The Azyr have found us. They will reach us within the hour. King Hadkiel is with them, and many soldiers.”

My arms tighten around Tyree.

“Get back to that corner.” Tyree ushers me behind him. He’s made it to his feet, but leans on his sword like a crutch, his complexion pallid.

“You cannot fight them,” I hiss, while listening for the sounds of armor.

“Get back,” he urges, pleading with his eyes.

Reluctantly, I follow the order, gripping the dagger I found where Queen Neilina’s corpse used to be. Only a pile of dust remains. Whatever claimed the wyvern must have also taken her.

Destry hovers at the left side of the tunnel, her short sword ready.

They are both going to die for me today.

King Hadkiel’s soldiers will kill them, haul me back to the temple, and tie me up in their pool of life, where I will suffer for fates know how long. “Do not let them take me alive.” My voice cracks.

Tyree’s throat bobs with his swallow. “With my last breath, I will not. I promise.”

The first scuffle in the tunnel comes a minute later.

Tyree releases a battle cry as he swings his sword, cutting down the soldier who appears. That one is quickly replaced by two more, then another four, their blades blocking Tyree’s furious swings and Destry’s attempts.

As I cower in my corner, I wish I had accepted Zander’s countless offers of lessons in the sparring court, though I don’t know that it would help against this many. I do the only thing I can think of, drawing on my feeble affinity to pelt the onslaught of soldiers with loose stones from the cave, aiming for their faces.

It works for a time, distracting them enough that Tyree and Destry can slice and stab and cut them down. But suddenly, there are too many of them.

Tyree trips over a body, tumbling backward to the cave floor.

A soldier moves in, lifting his sword in the air.

“Stop, or the kal’ana dies!” I shriek.

They all freeze. They may not understand my words, but they understand the dagger I hold at my throat.

King Hadkiel appears, trailed by four Azyr, who look no worse for wear after clambering up a mountain. His gaze sweeps over the cave, stalling momentarily on the golden antlers cast aside nearby, and then gives an order in his deep, melodious voice.

The soldiers lower their swords.

“My dear kal’ana. Why did you run? I was going to make you a queen.”

My anger surges. “You dare use a disappointed tone with me? I saw your last queen,” I hiss. I can’t believe I ever thought this mortal handsome, or that I considered marrying him.

“Yes, and she serves as the brightest light for all Udrel. She has saved countless lives. Do you not wish to be honored in the same way?” He takes a small step forward, and the Azyr edge in around him.

“Do not come any closer!” I snarl. “This is a token blade from Malachi, and it is deadly. I promise, you will get nothing from my body if I embed it in my neck.”

He holds up his hands, staying his Azyr. “What would you ask of me?”

“Leave. Let us go.”

His smile is soft. “I cannot do that. My people have suffered for too long.” He takes another step forward.

I back up, pressing the tip of the blade into my flesh. The sting is fierce. “I would rather die than serve as Udrel’s queen.” My eyes flicker to Tyree. I pray he can read the request in them.

His jaw grows taut with grim determination as his eyes water. “I will meet you at the gates of Za’hala,” he promises, gripping a dagger in his hand. He’s proven his skill and speed, many times over. If I don’t succeed, he will.