Page 258 of A Dawn of Gods & Fury

I nod as his fist tightens, readies.

“Stop!” Atticus’s voice booms.



A rivulet of blood trails down Annika’s throat as she gapes at me, stunned.

“Back away from her now,” I command, strolling in with swords in each hand, ignoring the shocking fact that one moment ago, we were standing in a dank underground vault in Ulysede, and now we are in a cave filled with soldiers, a king, and a handful of conjurers.

And Tyree, sprawled out on the ground.

“I presume you are King Hadkiel?” We expected to find Udrel’s ruler in a city named Orothos, not standing on the other side of Romeria’s nymph door.

“I am.” His cautious eyes flitter from me to Annika. “And who might you be?” His accent matches Tuella’s.

“Prince Atticus. And this is King Zander of Islor, and Queen Romeria of Ybaris and Ulysede.” I ignore Saoirse for the moment. Her introduction will come soon enough. “And this”—I nod toward a shaking Annika—“is our dear sister, who we are here to take home with us, so I suggest you step away, unless you’d prefer to lose your kingdom today.” I flash a wicked grin. “Queen Romeria is collecting.”

Behind me, Zander snorts.

One of the Azyr speaks in a low voice, in their language, but her black eyes are riveted to Romeria, her tone one of warning.

King Hadkiel takes a step back.

And then another.

And another.

The guards lower their swords.

“Atticus?” Annika sounds dazed.

I charge forward, gathering her into a hug.

“I thought you were dead.” She squeezes back.

“And I thought you were dead.”

“But Tyree’s cuffs came off.”

“That, I can’t explain.” I stroke her bedraggled curls. “So much has happened.”

“The blood curse—”

“Is gone, yes, we know.”

“And Queen Neilina—”

“Is dead. Romeria killed her.”

“Then who was the person using her body because we found her over there.” She peels away from my arms and points to the far end, where a makeshift bed of twigs sits.

“That was Aoife.” Romeria steps forward, offering Annika a smile. “But she’s gone now.”

“Because Tyree killed her to save me,” Annika says absently, staring at her. “Why are your eyes silver?”

“We’ll explain everything later, Sister.” I smooth a hand over her back. “Ready to go home?”