Page 198 of A Dawn of Gods & Fury

“Because we had one just like it, outside the window of our chamber in Montegarde.” It was under that tree that I was to be buried once I went through the imminent change to seer. Surely, Elijah remembers, which is why I mention it now. He planned to be buried beside me there. We talked about it often.

“I hope the tree survives.”

“If not, you can plant a hundred more to replace it.”

I do not want a hundred more. I want one. I want mine.

Malachi leads us down the meandering path toward the nymphaeum. “Soon, these kingdoms’ predecessors will be all but forgotten, and we will reign. A new population will rise, one that knows nothing but my name as ruler.”

Kingdoms. Plural. But I am not surprised by his ambitions.

A fresh horde of Saur’goths guard the nymphaeum, clueless to the ones buried in the ground they stand on. Two more empty cages await.

“We are bringing more daaknar from the Nulling?” I fight my shudder. When he woke me this morning and demanded we visit Soldor, I did not ask for what purpose.

“And more guards. They are fearsome warriors, but they do not seem to follow orders as stoically. There are rumors that they have been abandoning their posts to hunt.” With a snap of Malachi’s fingers, the Saur’goths hoist their cages.

“I will have to do this one at a time.” Reaching for my affinities, I thread a silver weave into the door.

And choke on a mouthful of dust.

“What is happening?” Malachi demands to know.

“I do not know. It isn’t working.”

“Try again!”

I send another thread and yet we remain here. Tension claws at my spine. “I am sorry, Your Highness, but there is something blocking my access to the other side.”

Understanding fills his face, and rage quickly follows. “They must have discovered what we were doing and sabotaged us. That is the only explanation. But how?”

A wave of guilt washes over me. I know how. That creature, Lucretia. She must have followed us through the portal. She saw everything.

I hold my breath as Malachi paces, bracing for him to lash out at me in anger. In this case, it would be deserved, even if he has no idea of the truth. “Is there another door we can use—”


I purse my lips to keep from offering more suggestions that will earn me nothing but punishment.

“Any word from Lyndel yet?” he snaps.

“No, Your Highness. Perhaps my letter did not arrive.” That these beasts are capable of reading is shocking to me.

“Or it means there was no one alive there to receive it. They failed at capturing the city or they lost it quickly after. That is the only explanation.” Malachi nods to himself, his jaw taut. “Just as well. The main army moves swiftly for them, and it is time I joined. I have gotten too comfortable here, feasting and entertaining. My presence is needed on the battlefield.”

Panic stirs. “But your army is unmatched. Allow them to sacrifice themselves in your honor. That is what Mal’Gar is for.”

He shakes his head. “Sometimes, a king must lead the rabble.”

“But why put yourself in danger?” That is Elijah’s body he risks.

He smiles. “I will not be in danger, because you will be at my side to protect me at all times, at all costs, yes?”

I swallow as my worry swells. “Of course, my love. I will not allow anything to happen to you.”

“It is time our opponents learned there is no hope for them.” He snaps his fingers at the Saur’goths. “Gather the army. Inform the lords and ladies we leave within the hour, and they will be accompanying us.”