Page 197 of A Dawn of Gods & Fury

“Delightful. Do they know Islor has a new king?” There were towns and villages in Islor still living under the assumption that my parents were on the throne, even while I had taken it from Zander.

“Again, they have heard the rumors. King Malachi’s quill has been busy.” He gestures toward the tents. “I will let you lead the way.”

“And with nothing but my charming personality to defend myself, I assume?”

“Surely, that is all you will need. You have enchanted me, after all.”

I chuckle as we stroll toward Islor’s soldiers, a row of Kierish guards trailing behind us. “Just remember, if they cut me down, you have far less leverage to use with my brother and Romeria when they arrive.”

“That is why I am here. They would not dare attack a king.”

“I believe that’s exactly what they did when I was last in the plains. Segland!” I spot the familiar bushy red beard at the firepit.

The brawny easterner looks up from his mug of ale, his eyes narrowing—with confusion or hatred, I can’t tell. Probably both.

“Yes, I am still alive, despite Lord Adley’s best efforts. Tell me, how is that pretty wife of yours? When can I see her again?”

Rage morphs his ugly face. Leaping to his feet, he draws his sword and charges for me.

I disarm and throw him to the ground in three easy steps. “Look what I found!” I hold up Segland’s weapon for King Cheral to see.

His guards step forward, their intentions clear.

“You ask me to lead this army, and yet you do not trust me with a single sword. What message will that send?” I warn, twirling it in the air.

His jaw tenses—because he knows I’m right—and he orders them to stand down with quiet words in their language. “If you were hoping to earn their attention, I believe you have.” He waves outward.

Sure enough, the Islorian side of the camp has fallen silent as soldiers crawl from their tents and stand from their seats to see what the commotion is about.

“I suppose now is as good a time as any.” If Zander shows up here and I can’t prove I have command of these men, I am of no use to him. I climb up onto a supply wagon, balancing on a stack of crates. It’s a vulnerable position to put myself in—I could easily be picked off with a well-placed arrow—but I don’t have the luxury of time and intimate fireside conversations to win them over.

“Some of you have known me as your commander and fought at my side!” I use the same powerful voice I’ve used countless times when rallying troops before a battle. “Others knew me as Islor’s king for a short time. A few insist on labeling me usurper—” I flash a smile at Satoria, who hovers behind her husband. “And dear Segland here still blames me for what happened with his wife, but I swear, she did not tell me she was married.” She desperately wanted to bed a prince.

A few chuckles pass through the crowd.

I let the banter slide as my expression hardens. “Whatever you call me, it matters not anymore. I stand before you now without my gleaming armor, promising you that if you do not follow me now, everything you have and everything you are will soon be lost.”

Somber stares meet me.

“There is much I cannot explain, for there is much I, myself, still do not understand. But what I do know is the following—the Nulling is open and the flood of beasts is great.” Gasps sound, but I continue. “Queen Neilina is dead, executed by her own daughter. Islor now has an enemy more threatening than the late Ybarisan queen and her army of casters, and more deceptive than the eastern lords who led you into a treasonous battle for their personal gain. In the days to come, you will see alliances forged that you never imagined possible. Including this one.” I gesture toward Cheral. “A Kierish king whose men cut me down and who held me captive has seen the danger ahead and knows it for what it is—the end of us if we do not set aside our differences and stand together.” I pause to let that sink in. “The one true king of Islor, King Zander Ascelin, will soon call upon us to fight those forces threatening to destroy our realms, and we will answer with our blades and our loyalty to the future for all!” I hop down from the wagon, my newly acquired blade dragging through the grass.

“That is it?” King Cheral studies the mulling crowd. “You will not demand their allegiance here and now?”

“A king demands allegiance. A commander leads them to it. Tomorrow will be the true test.”

“You believe your brother will come.”

“Oh, he will come. Of that I am certain.” He will have no choice once he sees what awaits. “Now, will I be granted a tent, or is there a cage I should retreat to?”



“You have been busy.” Malachi bends to collect a fallen leaf from the great oak that shows signs of new life after splitting in half as if hit by a bolt of lightning.

I’m surprised his heartless glance doesn’t disintegrate it. “Yes, it has brought me much joy to repair what I can. Especially this tree.”

“And why is that?”