“Will you share it with me, Liora?”

I smile again and nod. “I’d love to. It’s a date.”

His head tilts. “A date?”

“It’s like a…hmmm… a date is when two people spend time together to enjoy each other’s company. Usually, it’s something special, like having a meal or doing an activity they both like. It’s a way to get to know each other better.”

His gaze darkens immediately. I watch as Zynar pops the last bit of meatloaf into his mouth. “Then this dark cycle is a date, yes?”

My cheeks warm as I nod. “I guess, yes.”

Zynar stands and my eyes widen as they fall to his crotch. His trousers are tented like a massive mast is holding them up. He walks around to me, dipping his lips to my ear. “Then I very much look forward to our date tonight, Liora.”

That bud nestled at my center throbs so hard, I know I could reach a climax right now if he touched me there. My whole body shudders with something inexplicable as his claw brushes across my shoulder before he heads outside.

I’m left with a throbbing clit and a throbbing heart.

Turning in my chair, I watch as Zynar heads back across the field. He begins herding the oogas together. Far off in the distance, I can see the sky darkening. Swallowing down a lump of need that had begun rising in my throat, I stand and head back to the kitchen to clean up.

As the hours pass, the house remains quiet, save for the occasional chirp of the insects outside. I putter around, wiping down the counters, organizing the pantry, and even taking a moment to gaze out the window now and then, catching glimpses of Zynar moving among the herd. The afternoon wears on, the sky growing more ominous with each passing minute.

I thought the computer said light wind and rain, or perhaps that was my understanding of it. It doesn’t look like what’s coming will be light at all. Glancing up at the roof, I thank God I had the sense to hire Zynar just a day after arriving here. What would I have done if the rain had come when my roof had been filled with holes?

I’m just done cleaning up when I notice Zynar still out in the field trying to get a stubborn ooga to follow the rest. Stepping outside, I giggle as I head toward him. He seems to be giving the thing a pep talk and when I draw closer, I catch the end of his speech.

“...and if you just cooperate, you’ll get extra rations tonight. Deal?”

The ooga flicks its ear, looking at Zynar with what can only be described as mild disdain. Zynar sighs, rubbing the back of his neck, clearly at a loss. I can’t help but laugh at the scene.

Zynar turns, jerking his chin at the ooga as he rises from where he’s crouched. “This one doesn’t want to move.”

“Well, the rain’s coming. It has to.”

Zynar’s watching me with that same gaze again. But I’m dressed in a simple brown tunic. I look like I’m wearing a sac and he’s looking at me like I’m a buffet and he’s starving.

“We’ll have to leave him.”

My brows shoot up. The thought of leaving the big guy out on the field all alone makes me feel bad. But he’s far too heavy to lift and if he won’t follow the others, we have no choice.

“Don’t worry, Liora. They’re herd animals. He will follow.”

I gaze at the stubborn ooga for a little before nodding. “Let’s get the others in.”

Zynar’s a great teacher. He teaches me that sound that Xarion did that told the oogas to march. With a branch he cut, he shows me how to herd them in the direction I want to go in and soon I’m doing it by myself. I shudder to think of what I’d have had to do if he wasn’t here. There’s no handbook for this.

By the time we get the animals into the barn, settling them into the various stalls and giving each set fresh hay, the brilliant pink sky is clouded over. There’s a chill in the air now from the sun being blotted out, and I run my hands across my arms. Turning to face Zynar, I watch as he lifts massive bales and rearranges them. There’s not nearly enough left for him to sleep on. Not that it was a good place to sleep in the first place. My heart rate picks up at the fact that he’ll have to spend the night somewhere else. Possibly with me.

Stepping back outside the barn, a fat raindrop slaps me on the forehead and I duck, using my hands to cover my head as more follow.

“It’s coming!” I shiver, hurrying toward the house as quickly as my legs can carry me when an arm snakes around my waist, pulling me backward. I squeal as Zynar pulls me against his chest, his warm breath brushing against my ear as his deep voice fills my auditory canal.

“Why are you running, Little Bird? Don’t want to get your feathers wet?”

My eyes almost roll back at the intensity of pleasure that courses through me with just the sensation of him pressed against my back. I feel when his cock throbs, insistent and longing against my ass, and I almost groan. He’s been sporting a hard-on for the entire time since the breakfast table.

Rain begins to pelt down as Zynar pulls me against his chest while turning slowly.

“You don’t like the rain, Liora?”