I stop resisting, even though I didn’t intend to get wet. At least, not of this kind. Choking on a laugh, I squint as rainfall pelts my glasses, making it nearly impossible to see clearly.

“Yes, I do. I just…” I just what? When was the last time I didn’t hurry inside from the rain? Run into a building or some other shelter. Used my umbrella to hide away from the raindrops. It was always about not getting my shoes wet. Or my hair. Sometimes I didn’t want to get my dress wet and other times it was just because other humans would look at me as if I was crazy if I just decided to walk in the rain with no protection.

But right now? Right now, none of those things matter. They don’t even exist.

I relax in Zynar’s arms some more as he sways in the rain. When he throws his head back and whoops, the sound echoing then fading in the growing sound of the rain, I chuckle. I press my head back against his chest, and I whoop too.


My hair’s a mess, but Zynar doesn’t seem to care. My tunic is soaked, the thin fabric pressing against me, and I make no effort to hide my body from him. Not after last night. Not after seeing and now feeling his attraction pressing into me. As we turn slowly in the growing rain, I begin to laugh.

I feel alive.

Zynar turns me to face him and it’s only then that I realize that he’s sobered up. He’s not smiling anymore. There is only one expression on his face. Pure, raw, need.

My smile fades slowly as I’m sucked into that gaze, and when I lift my arms he bends slowly, allowing me to wrap them around his neck. We stare at each other then. Me staring into those bottomless yellow eyes and him staring into mine.

“May I, Liora?”

I nod, acquiescing to whatever he’s asking for without even asking what it is. When his head dips, his lips brushing against mine, it’s with a heat that sears the rain off my skin.

I pant, opening my lips to his as his kiss becomes more insistent. Like a man starved and left to die in the desert, Zynar takes my lips like it’s an oasis he never thought he’d see. I whimper, arms tightening around his neck as he lifts me in his arms, wrapping my legs around him with little effort as he balances my weight with a single arm under my behind. He grips it then, kneads the skin, and my core flutters in anticipation.

I’m dimly aware that we’re moving. That he’s carrying me toward the house. The hard beat of the rain stops as we step onto the porch and then my bum brushes against the hard wood of the door. With one leg, he kicks the door in, pausing just inside to close it with his free arm. All the while, his tongue tangles with mine, making that energy within me rise, that warmth within me extend. That need.

I only know we’re in the bedroom because Zynar pauses. Just stops suddenly. The bed’s in our path. There’s nowhere else to go.

With his free hand, he helps me out of my tunic, revealing inch upon inch of my skin. I hesitate, past experiences rearing their ugly heads before I push them away. Lifting my arms, I allow him to remove my tunic. There’s no bra, only panties. I’m practically bare before him and my heart strikes hard against my ribs at that very fact.

No one’s seen me naked in a long time. Not since I was abducted, at least. Before that, I was always clothed. Even in my own home. To have him look at me now…

My gaze shifts up to Zynar and my heart stops at the look in his eyes.

With a growl, he sets me down gently on the bed, my back hitting the blanket before I brace myself up on my elbows. Zynar slips my glasses off my nose before setting them down. Easing back, he looks at me. His eyes are wide, his pupils blown.

“Zynar?” I whisper, but he doesn’t respond. His chest heaves as if his breathing is no longer regular and farther down, his cock is straining so hard against his trousers that I fear it might poke a hole in it. It throbs, jerks so hard that I see the sloped head pulse, a stream of pre-cum seeping from his tip to soak through the material.

My mouth goes dry as I pull my gaze away from his crotch and back to his face. His eyes are still wide, his throat moving. The pupils are so dilated, they don’t even look slitted anymore.

He looks intoxicated.

I’m not sure what to make of his response. Zynar isn’t moving. I don’t think he’s even breathing even though his chest is heaving so much.

Zynar’s looking at me like no man has ever looked at me before. As if he can see nothing else. As if he wants to consume me. This is levels higher than the intensity of his gaze this morning at the table. Back then, I’d thought I felt like a sheep under the gaze of a hungry wolf. I’d thought that was the extent of his need. I was wrong. So very wrong.

Every inch of my skin tingles under his scrutiny, as if his gaze alone can set me aflame. I swallow hard, trying to steady my breath, but it’s a losing battle. The air between us is charged, electric, and I can feel it in every fiber of my being.

“Liora,” he breathes my name, and it’s like a caress, a promise, and a plea all wrapped into one. The sound of it sends shivers down my spine, and I’m acutely aware of every movement, every shift in the air around us.

Zynar suddenly falls to the floor before me, directly between my legs. There, his gaze scans my body and I get the urge to hide myself again. I won’t. I don’t. When his arm caresses my legs and he leans in, pressing his face on the inside of one thigh, the growl that vibrates through him as he inhales deeply sends a tremor straight to my center.

“I knew you were soft all over. So incredibly pale and soft. But I never expected this,” he growls.

I swallow hard, blinking down at him. “I look strange to you, I suppose.” It almost comes out as a squeak.

Both of his claws caress my thighs before moving upward to the slight bulge of my belly. He grips the fat there too, kneads it. Groans as he grips my flesh.

My sore pulses. Need swells inside me.