Now, he was starting to get angry, and he didn’t like it. “Before you start to think of going on a rampage, you must consider Harper. She doesn’t want to be with you.”

“She doesn’t know what she wants.”

Silver laughed. “She knows she doesn’t want to be with you, and seeing as I took her in, and she swore loyalty to me, and has done nothing but become a member of my pack, I am not going to banish her.”

Mateo felt his anger start to grow. “Silver, I don’t appreciate this.”

“I know, but you were also informed that this might not end the way you hoped,” he said.

He knew the other man was right, and it pissed him off. That anger he tried to keep at bay was coming back, in full force. It wasn’t a good feeling. He needed to get himself under control and fast.

“What do you propose?” he asked.

“Simple, the only thing you can do is stay here and attempt to win back her trust. That is the only reasonable solution I can see to your current situation, otherwise it is not going to work. I cannot cast Harper out, nor can I send her where she doesn’t want to go. For me, it doesn’t work that way.”

He pressed his lips together, and he felt that anger about ready to burst. His mate was close and his wolf wasn’t liking being told no. “Fine.”

Silver looked at him. “I know you want to kill me right now. I get it. To you, I’m the reason you’re not with your mate, but what you have to remember, Mateo, is that all of this is on you. You’re welcome to stay in my pack, but you will not be alpha here. I am, and these are my rules. Harper is protected, and in the pack, we protect our own.”

With that, Silver got to his feet and left.

He ran a hand down his face, and knew there was only one other person he could call.

“Hey, Pop, can we talk?” he asked, when his father answered the phone.

“Always. When are you on your way back?” he asked.

Mateo put some money on the table and got to his feet, looking for a spot with privacy. He went to the edge of the woods and leaned against the nearest tree, which allowed him to overlook the town. Most packs were situated around surrounding woodland. His pack was no different. They were a small town, a small community, but they were thriving, as was his own, but seeing it from the outside-in was an amazing thing.

“I … Harper doesn’t want to leave with me, and Silver refuses to cast her out.”

“Ah, I figured there were going to be a consequences for your actions, son. You’re now feeling them.”

“Damn it, Dad, tell me how to fix this.”

“Unless you can find a time machine, go back seven years to the moment you rejected Harper, there is only one way out of this. Win back her trust. Make her fall for her mate, if that is what you want. I’m assuming it is because I figured you were just doing your annual visit.”

He ran a hand down his face.

It wasn’t an annual visit. This official visit was an annual one, but he also took monthly visits around the full moon, when his wolf wanted to catch a glimpse of their mate. He’d not been very successful at that. During the full moon, Harper had become surrounded by other wolves.

Even her scent had become hard to detect when she mingled with them. He figured it had been easily swallowed up because of the new pack, and the fact he’d not cemented any kind of bond between himself and Harper.

“What do I do?”

“You’re going to have to figure out how to win Harper’s trust. I don’t know the woman. I didn’t get that chance, remember? You banished her before anyone got the privilege.”

He wasn’t pissed at his father, but he was pissed at himself for fighting this. It was pointless fighting.

“Dad, I need to be here to win my mate. Will you take care of the pack?”

“Son, you don’t even have to ask. Don’t fuck this one up.”

And with that, he hung up.

He didn’t have anything great to help him.

Standing at his secluded spot, he wasn’t in the mood to be seen right now. This was his fuckup. He stayed lurking in the shadows, and watched as Harper left the shop with Franny. The two had their arms linked together and were heading back to the coffee shop where Franny had taken him.