He looked at her and waited.

“Don’t try to pretend that you did anything good,” she said.

“I know I’ve upset you—”

“You have not upset me. I don’t like you and I think you’re a big asshole, but I know for a fact you won’t be able to win over Harper.”

“And why do you think that?”

“I know how broken she was when she came here, and from what she told me, you and she didn’t even share a kiss.” Franny shook her head. “You broke her heart. Crushed her. I hope you know that.”

He had already made an enemy out of Franny.

This was not his idea to be away from his mate. Walking into that shop, the place had smelled like Harper, and his wolf finally felt peace for the first time in seven years. He’d not known this feeling in such a long time, he’d forgotten what it was like.

“Harper will forgive me.”

Franny laughed. “Is this because you feel that as the alpha, she is going to have no choice?”

“I am her alpha, but I’m also her mate.”

“Wow, I think if they did a reward for most delusional, you’d be right on top of that list.”

He didn’t appreciate the sarcasm, but he had a feeling she’d just enjoy antagonizing him even more.

Lifting his coffee, he took a sip. In his own pack, there was no judgment. His pack, apart from her parents, had accepted what had happened. They figured Harper had done something and he’d not changed their minds. It was easier that way.

“Ah, my father is coming,” Franny said.

He turned to see Silver approaching. Several men and women stopped him in his tracks, and he took time to speak to them.

Harper had come to a good pack. Her father had done her proud.

Silver sat down, and within seconds he had a large mug of coffee, as well as a cinnamon roll, of which he took a bite and closed his eyes, releasing a growl. “Tell Susan they’re always heavenly from here,” he said to the waitress, and then leaned back in his chair to drink his coffee.

Clearly, he’d been given the second-grade coffee, because he didn’t think it was anything to compliment. From the look on Franny’s face, he had a feeling she had something to do with this. It irritated him, but also delighted him in a strange way.

She was taking care of her friend the only way she knew how, and for that he could respect her. He didn’t like it, and he didn’t have to like it. In fact, he was a little pissed off about it, but she at least had Harper’s back.

He turned his attention back to the alpha in front of him, and waited. There was no rush in Silver.

“Franny, would you like to grab a coffee and head over to Harper’s?”

“Damn it, come on. You know I want to know.”

“And Harper will be the one to tell you. For now, I’ve got to talk with Mateo.”

Franny got to her feet. “I’m doing this reluctantly. You’ve got to banish his ass.” And with that, she left.

Mateo turned toward Silver. “I don’t think your daughter is my biggest fan.”

“From the smell of that coffee, I don’t think there are many people who are your biggest fans right now.”

He couldn’t argue with that.

“When can I leave with Harper?” Mateo asked.

“You can’t,” Silver said.