Page 56 of Merciful Lies

It’s a total dick move, but what can I say?

It’s good to be the king.


The Vipers’ Den is jam-packed for a Thursday night.

I thought we were just going to split off here, I would meet up with Nico and leave Giselle and Angel to whatever date they have planned.

Instead, Nico isn’t here yet, so I slide into the reserved booth Angel points out after we arrive. It’s plush black leather and super comfortable.

“Should we be sitting here?” I ask Angel, trying to be heard without shouting over the pounding music, when I notice more than a few eyes darting to us.

“This is the king’s table. You belong to the king,” he says, as if that clears anything up.

I shoot Giselle a look she knows means holy shit because, well, holy fucking shit.

This is incredible.

I mean, his statement is definitely chauvinistic. And it shouldn’t make me feel anything other than repulsion.

But I do. I feel something else.

I feel pride.

I want to belong to Nico. I don’t know if that makes me weak or anti-feminist or what. I just know I have some serious feelings for my husband.

“Hey, what can I get you?” a voice asks, and I turn to see a pretty bartender with straight brown hair and almond shaped eyes staring at me.

I recognize her from the other times I was in the bar before. She seemed hostile then, but some of her edge is gone.

She looks like a puppy who's been corrected.

Then I scold myself for the unkind thought, and I offer a smile.

“Hi, I’m Anna,” I say. “This is Giselle, but I call her Sisi.”

“What’s up?” Giselle nods at her.

“Oh, um, I’m Maria. Can I get you two something to drink?”

“Yes, thank you, I’m parched. Can I have, well, do you have any juice?” I ask.

“Sure. Fresh squeezed orange juice work?” Maria points out a large citrus juicing machine behind the bar and I grin.

“Oh my God! Yes, please,” I reply.

“Since you’re doing orange juice, anyway, can I have an Orange Crush?” Giselle asks.

“You bitch,” I tease. That is my favorite drink.

“I can make that as a virgin for you,” Maria offers, and I nod.

“Yes, yes, please and thank you,” I say, wiggling in my seat.

I can’t help it. I wiggle when I’m excited.

“You got it,” Maria replies, and winks.