Angel is watching us, but he’s standing a few feet away. I see a few guys walk up to him. Whatever they are saying, I don’t know, but when Angel answers them, each one turns towards us and gives a slight nod of their heads.
Almost like a bow.
I inhale and my body gives a head to toe shiver, but I’m not cold. This is all just so surreal.
A few minutes pass and I’m drinking the sweet, delicious concoction Maria made me.
Giselle moans over how good her drink is, and Maria stays to chat for a while too, before going to help more customers.
She’s not the only bartender working tonight, but she is good and a lot of customers, male customers especially, seem to vie for her attention.
I notice Luc when he comes in. He dips his chin to say hello and I wave, making him and Angel both smile.
“You’re such a dork.” Giselle snorts, and I roll my eyes.
I’m a friendly girl, I can’t help it. The whole nodding thing is for guys. So, waving it is.
Usually, that’s the kind of thing I’d agonize over. Feeling like I look foolish or something, but I don’t mind at all. I feel content.
Happy even.
Truth is, I missed this. Just hanging out and being with people. Sure, I worked in the office a lot in the bakery, but I used to at least talk to people every day.
I’ve been lonely stuck in the condo while Nico works, and this is just what I needed. But I realize I need more.
I need my husband.
Tingles dance up my spine and I turn my head as the man himself walks in.
No, walk isn’t the right word to describe his progression across the bar. Nico doesn’t just move, he moves with purpose.
Like he’s prowling. Or maybe even stalking me across the room.
And, oh my, but he is something to behold. My entire body feels lit up and attuned to his every movement.
He is so good looking. More so than any man I have ever seen. His height and his muscular frame make him one of the biggest guys here. Then there’s his short haircut, the trimmed beard that only serves to highlight his chiseled features, his hot as fuck tattoos, and his bright blue eyes.
Nico Fury is positively delicious. I want to lick him from head to toe. Every brain cell I have seems to short circuit, as I imagine doing exactly that.
Unwanted doubt starts to creep into my mind. What is he doing with me? This guy can have anyone he wants. I can’t believe he really chose me.
I feel special. Honored.
I lick my lips, watching his progression. Aware that all eyes are on him.
The king.
Everyone must know him. Or, if they don’t know him know him, then they can feel him.
His power. The air of authority that clings to his skin.
They don’t seem to question it. They simply move.
It’s the right thing to do. I don’t see any other course of action.
The crowd just parts for him like the Red Sea. Men and women move out of his way immediately. As for Nico, well, he doesn’t slow his speed or alter his course.