Page 79 of Oath of Revenge

“Does he always have a stick up his ass or is this special treatment?” Scarlet asked, striding over to the bed.

Elva didn’t look up as she inspected the oozing deep gouges on Wulfric’s torso. His breathing was shallow but even. She looked closer and frowned as she realized he’d passed out. She couldn’t stand there not helping, so she walked to the kitchen and stacked dishes, holding her breath against the smell.

“Barley? Oh don’t mind him. He’s always like that.”

Frustration licked her stomach, or perhaps it was worry for Wulfric. There was a large, stone bowl with dirty water. She found a pitcher and tipped the dirty water into it before sitting it outside the tent flap.

Scarlet took a deep breath of fresh air and let the flap close, turning back to check on Wulfric. “Good to know. I wasn’t sure if he didn’t like the fact that I’m a cursed freak or that I’m supposedly Wulfric’s mate. But if he’s always like that—“

“Always,” Elva chuckled. “Why is the mate bond not complete?

Before Scarlet could answer, two females and the two guards she’d given the bucket to came into the tent. Scarlet stepped to the wall of the tent as it became much too crowded too quickly.

Elva met her gaze over the activity and shook her head. She turned to the newcomers and gave orders for cleaning, taking a clean bucket of water from one of the guards.

Scarlet stood, legs wide and ready to bolt out of there as they cleaned the room. Elva woke Wulfric up, and the two guards helped him stand so they could inspect the injuries on his back.

Wulfric wavered on his feet, but his gaze found Scarlet along the wall. He smiled his wolfish, wide grin, and some of the anxiety in her stomach eased.

“There’s my bunny. Come cuddle me and make it all better.”

One man chuckled, but the two women gave her knowing smiles and grins. The Elder man came through the flap carrying three jars and two vials.

Scarlet shook her head, not taking her eyes off Wulfric. “Your tent is filthy. Let’s get it and you cleaned up first.”

Wulfric frowned but the one holding him eased him down to the clean bed. He groaned, holding his stomach.

Elva sighed, grabbing the two vials from the other Elder. Their voices were lost over the sounds of the men settling Wulfric onto the bed, someone clanging the bowls as they cleaned and another hauling the dirty blankets out the door.

Scarlet felt helpless just watching and observing. She’d done this countless times in taverns and villages across Busparia. She’d sat and watched, gathering information and making a plan.

But this was so different. She didn’t have a plan, didn’t know what would happen after tomorrow. And underneath it all was worry over Wulfric.

Worry? Hells, she was terrified he’d die and leave her in the middle of the Growlers’ tribe alone. It wasn’t just the thought of being alone that scared her. She genuinely didn’t want him to die. Ever.

Logically, she knew his wounds weren’t that bad. She knew the biggest threat would be internal injuries, the way they’d pummeled each other.

She’d been helpless to stop it, and it made her angry that she’d had to watch and do nothing.

She frowned and crossed her arms. Fucking Growler, making her care for him. The urge to protect him, hell, even the urge to gather him into her arms and just hold him, was unnerving. It made her feel raw, vulnerable, and weak, and she hated feeling like that.

Finally, the others gave that little nod bow and left, leaving only her, Wulfric, and the two Elders.

The man assisted Elva but turned in the silence and met Scarlet’s gaze. “If he survives the night, then he’ll be fine. There’s no internal bleeding that we can see, but there’s a rattle in his chest that I don’t like.”

Elva settled her hand on his chest and muttered under her breath. Green magic spread from her hand over his skin, making the soft, short fur ripple with the wave.

When it faded, she looked up and smiled at Scarlet. “He should sleep fine. I’ll stand watch, Barley. You get some sleep and come relieve me in a few hours?”

The man frowned, still looking at Scarlet, but nodded. “Very well. I’ll check on Nomani and Brody first. Maiden.”

He gave the nod bow and slipped through the door.

“Come, child. Let’s sit by the fire. We have much to discuss,” Elva said as she leaned her staff against the bed frame and sank onto a cushion close to the fire. She crossed her legs, the slit up the sides parting for her knees.

Scarlet sat next to her on another cushion as the woman smiled into the fire. “Now, tell me your story.”

Scarlet took a deep breath and forced her shoulders to relax as she crossed her legs too. She put her chin in her palm, resting her elbow on her knee.