“Here, it’s ready,” Elva said breathlessly, flipping the last of the blankets onto the bed. Scarlet leaned forward, and Wulfric fell onto the now clean bed with a groan.
“Oh, stop your moaning. You’re going to be fine,” Elva said, poking his leg until he settled on his back. He held one hand over his side as the Elder pulled a blanket over his lap.
Scarlet looked around, biting her lip and trying not to breathe. The smell of musty, sweaty wet dog filled the room, competing with the smell of the wood burning in the fire and something else.
“What is that smell?” Scarlet asked, her sensitive rabbit nose wrinkling in disgust.
Wulfric grunted. “Fucking Brody.”
The Elder walked to the side of the tent where dirty bowls and cups were stacked. “The bucket in the corner probably. Can you take it to the attendant outside and ask for a clean one?”
Scarlet jumped at the chance to do something. She wasn’t the type to sit by the bed and hold his hand. She needed a purpose, and she didn’t know how to help Wulfric recover, but this she could do.
She found the source of the smell and nearly gagged. She picked up the bucket half-full of piss and shit and kicked her way through the door flap, careful not to slosh it.
Three Growlers stood nearby around a communal fire in the center of the four largest tents in camp. As she drew closer, two of the Growlers saw her. Their amiable expressions shifted to wariness as they straightened. The third one with his back to her turned.
Relief surged through her, but the look in his eyes was unreadable. Todd nodded but otherwise didn’t acknowledge that they knew each other. She nodded back and set the bucket on the ground.
“The Elder said you’d know where to find a clean bucket. We also need fresh water to clean his wounds.”
One snarled. “We don’t take orders from the likes of you.”
The other elbowed him. “Shut it. The alpha said to respect her.”
Todd dipped his head in a pseudo-bow. “Yes, we’ll bring fresh water. Probably need fresh blankets and linens too. We’ll take care of it, Luna druid.”
Scarlet shook her head as unease slid up her spine. What was a Luna? “I’m not a full druid, so none of that. Call me Scarlet.”
Todd made a fist and touched his chest with it. “Scarlet, let us know if you need anything else.”
Scarlet squared her shoulders and took a deep breath of the fresh air. “Thank you.”
She spun on her heel, but as she walked away, her ears picked up the whispers.
“She can’t be his mate. Look at her.”
“You heard the alpha,” Todd replied. “Frigurd, go fetch clean water. Clancy, you take the bucket. Clean it and bring it back.”
“What? Why do I have shit duty? Frigurd can take it, and I can get the water.”
“No,” Todd said firmly. “You insulted her, even though the alpha gave explicit instructions regarding her treatment. You get the shit.”
Scarlet grinned as she opened the flap and stepped back inside. Somehow the male Elder had slipped in while she’d been dealing with shit. The man was imperious with his head in the air as he looked around the room disdainfully.
“Disgusting,” he muttered, gripping his staff tightly.
“Then clean it,” Elva said, slipping around him to sit next to Wulfric. She lifted his head and made him drink from a bowl.
“And get my hands dirty? I think not,” the man sighed. “But I will get someone in here to air it out. Give me a few minutes, and I’ll be back with reinforcements.”
He turned and spied Scarlet. The firelight flickered over his face. Disgust was clear. He was repulsed by her and slightly afraid.
All of the feelings of unease amplified at his expression, reminding her of everywhere she’d ever tried to fit in. First as a kid in the villages, then with the Rangers, the Hunters, and the Robins. She tilted her chin up as her cheeks flushed. She knew her faults, knew she never measured up and wouldn’t be welcomed.
But for Wulfric, she would try. Eventually he stepped closer, nodding curtly. “Maiden.”
Then he slipped back through the flap and into the night.